The Castro family and its network of multimillion-dollar companies abroad

MADRID.- A network of connected companies directly connected to the Castro family in Cuba extends from Mexico, Spain, Panama y Miami, detected a recent investigation published by YucaByte and the investigative journalism outlet

The information published details that links to the family of the Cuban regime include key figures such as Mexican businessman José Israel Adato Steiermann and Héctor Castro Santana, great nephew of Fidel Castro, in charge of managing business from Europe through the law firm, Boza Abogados and SLP Consultants.

The data revealed connects extensive international trade networks linked to the import and sale of beer, and the area of ​​telecommunications, as well as legal services, marketing of coal and agricultural products.

One of the most notable points revealed by the journalistic investigation is the MSME Nego Servis Expreso SURLoperated by Cuban State Security colonel, Rogelio Singh Luque, whose son, Yolexi Singh Frías, is immersed in espionage activities in Spain.

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International network without any restrictions

Also noteworthy is the company Dibermex LLC, registered in Florida in 2015 by José Israel Adato Steiermann. This company, together with Interglobe Inc., have been key players in the commercialization of products such as Sol beer in Cuba, intensely promoted by the Castro dictatorship in multiple events such as the International Fairs in Havana.

Interglobe Inc., was registered in Canada in 1984, and its office in El Vedado, Havana, show the longevity and reach of this commercial network.

The investigative journalistic work mentions Sandro Castro Arteaga and Antonio “Tony” Castro, protagonists of scandals due to their excesses of luxuries. The first of them is in charge of managing some of the most exclusive bars in Havana, where Sol beer became a prominent product. For his part, Marco Jesús Amorós Moreno, a close friend of Sandro, was a visible figure in the beer promotional campaigns.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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