The Constitution is attacked in a ruthless and irrational way

MADRID.-The former president of Government of Spain, Felipe Gonzalez He assured in statements offered this Tuesday, January 16, that the Constitution is being attacked in a “ruthless and irrational” way, which, he added, threatens the constitutional health of that country.

This was expressed during his participation in the tenth Gregorio Peces-Barba Conference, a tribute to the Constitution for his 45th anniversary, which took place this Tuesday at the Caixa-Forum cultural center, Madrid, during which he shared the stage with the former deputy of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), Eduardo Medina.

Position of Felipe González

Former president Felipe González considers that the Carta Magna is being violated, which in his opinion puts at risk the values ​​that have built coexistence, which is why he urged society to react, a note from EuropaPress.

“Are we in a moment of difficulty? Yes. Are we in a moment of threat to the values ​​that have built coexistence? Yes. Do we have to react? Yes. I have not left the party’s positions. They call me a dinosaur and they are right, but that allows me to say that, when I talk about the future, I am not talking about mine,” he emphasized.

“Now we are seeing that it is necessary to defend the Constitution and its possible and necessary reforms that affect consensus like those that existed 45 years ago,” he declared in rejection of the attack on judges and magistrates by the Catalan independence parties and in defense of the division of powers.

Rejection of the Amnesty Law

In this sense, the former president ratified his expressed rejection of the Amnesty Law agreed between the PSOE, ERC and Junts parties, which he has described as a “self-amnesty” made by the amnestied themselves.

He insisted that the problem is not with the few who shout or who want to undo the system, “but with those who have a majority who, with respect to minorities, do not have to give in to any type of conditioning or blackmail.”

Likewise, he highlighted the difference between the pardons that “forgive” entails and the amnesty that “ask for forgiveness” entails to those who have committed a crime. A point made by former deputy Madina, who stated: “I don’t share it because I don’t understand it.”

González recalled the Moncloa Pacts of 1977, calling for understanding between the major political forces. He asserted. that “it is no more difficult to agree today than it was then.” At the same time, he defended the Constitution as “an instrument that has allowed political alternation and political pluralism.”

Felipe González highlighted that now there are two majority forces like the PP and PSOE, which add up to 210 deputies that are needed to carry out the essential reforms. “Either they accept that they are condemned to understand each other or they continue to confront each other, creating walls and fictitious divisions,” he lashed out.

Omnibus decrees and renewal of the CGPJ

During his speech, he also referred to the so-called omnibus decrees, a legal text that will allow the modification of several laws simultaneously in matters such as justice, public service, patronage and aid from European funds, approved last week in the Congress, after the Junts political party was absent from the votes. He indicated that these “mix” a modification of a certain law with a social benefit.

“Do you accept the entire package or are we going to blame you for not allowing progress on this or that? We have to overcome this emergency situation,” he reproached. “Do you accept the entire package or are we going to blame you for not allowing progress on this or that? We have to overcome this emergency situation,” he reproached.

On the other hand, he mentioned the blockade of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ)which he described as “intolerable”since his mandate has expired for five years, showing himself in favor of the automatic dismissal of the members when their term ends.

“I am not going to accept, to the extent that I can, that the division of powers and the independence of the Judiciary be attacked,” he stressed, although he expressed his firm defense of the judges and magistrates.

In that sense, he called on the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, and the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, who were at the event, to include the renewal of the CGPJ in each session.

According to information from the European media, the event was also attended by judges from the Supreme Court, including Manuel Marchena, Carmen Lamela, Carlos Lesmes and Pablo Llarena, and the former ministers of the Government of UCD and the PSOE Soledad Becerril, Marcelino Oreja, Carlos Solchaga, Rafael Arias Salgado and Virgilio Zapatero.


Source: With information from EuropaPress and La Voz de Galicia

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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