The Cuban regime's harassment of Maykel Osorbo persists

HAVANA- The rapper and Cuban political prisoner Maykel Castillo “Osorbo” continues to be a victim of harassment that the regime’s criminal authorities, together with State Security and with the help of common prisoners, have designed so that his stay in prison is not safe.

Activist Anamely Ramos posted on her Facebook profile, “another common prisoner who had been publicly disrespecting Maykel in the past was transferred to the same area as Maykel. This happened at the beginning of Maykel’s imprisonment and the event ended with a fight and the separation of both”.

According to the activist’s message, it is part of a “strategy of pressure and harassment that only changes its face (…) Maykel is aware and so are we that the greatest responsibility falls on Lázaro Castillo, head of the prison, and on Security of the State, which monitors and dictates orders,” say those responsible for Osorbo’s social networks.

“He is there and I am leaving him, I did not interact with him, nor do I look at him. It is not that I want or do not want to have problems with him, it is that he does not have to be next to me. The only thing I know is that “You have to get him out of here or you have to get me out. I’m a political prisoner and I shouldn’t even be here,” Osorbo said in a phone call with activist Anamely Ramos.

“Spiral of violence”

“We condemn the continued stalking of Maykel Osorbo, the insistent provocations that they send him to behave violently and thus worsen his situation, the constant pressure on his physical and mental health. Maykel knows who he is and will not give in to violence or will normalize. He will continue to denounce and we will continue with him,” Ramos concluded.

In the midst of this spiral of violence of which “Osorbo” is a victim, on April 18, he almost lost the helix of his left ear with a bite, after four common inmates attacked him in complicity with the penitentiary authorities. .

After that, Ramos said, an inmate known as “El Bemba”, the main executor of the attack, “was transferred to another area and rewarded for the attack on Maykel with a position of section chief.”

Maykel Osorbo was arrested by State Security two months before the social outbreak of the protests in July 2021. At the end of March of this year, US Congresswoman Debbie Waserman Schultz sent a letter to Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, so that Washington emphasizes achieving the release of him, the artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and all the political prisoners in the prisons of the Cuban regime.

Amnesty International, Freedom House and the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention identified the rapper as a prisoner of conscience. The last body determined that the retaliation against him was solely due to his activism in favor of democracy.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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