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The cursed woods (France 3): should we watch the TV movie broadcast tonight? Our opinion

French fiction lovers, France 3 is once again thinking of you! The public channel will offer, this Saturday, January 28 Les bois maudits, fiction with Blandine Bellavoir. Is it worth a look? Our opinion.

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Every Saturday evening, France 3 delights fans of police investigations with fiction – unpublished or rebroadcast. Thus, after several weeks devoted to its Crime à… collection – which stops, to the great astonishment of Lola Dewaere – the public channel will broadcast, this Saturday, January 29, a fiction in the same vein, and which has already proven its worth: The cursed woods. Broadcast for the first time on December 25, 2021 (yes, during Christmas!), it brought together 4.34 million viewers, or 23.9% of the public present in front of their television screen, allowing France 3 to rank in head of the audience. But is the program worth a look? We tell you everything!

The cursed woods (France 3): what is the TV movie about with Blandine Bellavoir?

The pitch of this detective TV movie? In the forest, a woodcutter comes across a corpse hanging in the air, as if it were a puppet. Justine Verard (Blandine Bellavoir) and Mehdi Djaoud (Samir Boitard) investigate. For Justine, this case is an opportunity to return to service after an unjustified layoff. Between the two gendarmes, relations are tense, because Justine considers Mehdi responsible for the death of her husband, five years earlier. But they are obliged to collaborate. Mehdi recognizes the victim. Boss of a sawmill reputed to be sometimes angry, he was also a popular volunteer in the parish of Father Mollaret.

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The cursed woods (France 3): should you watch the TV movie with Blandine Bellavoir, broadcast this Saturday January 28?

In addition to a fairly original plot, this thriller highlights a complementary duo carried by a tandem of actors in tune. There is a beautiful authenticity in Blandine Bellavoir and Samir Boitard, who give flesh to characters gnawed by the unspoken and struck by the blows of fate. And who have in common a painful past and a bright future. Special mention to Romane Libert – alias Lucie Boher for fans of Plus belle la vie – overwhelming… In the end, Les bois maudits turns out to be a thriller in the worthy line of those offered every Saturday evening by France 3,

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