The day Edurne taught Taylor Swift to dance flamenco

In the heat of the present, trends are born. As soon as Taylor Swift set foot on peninsular soil, social networks made Spain a digital cascade of content about you: from concert videos recorded from the audience to the names of his three cats, through fragments of public appearances and even reconstructions of his love life. Within this mass of content, a surreal gem from the television newspaper archive has appeared: an interview that Edurne conducted with the North American artist ten years ago.

It was 2014 and Edurne was presenting with Xavi Rodrguez Everything is going well, on Cuatro, an entertainment format that did not last more than a year on the air and through which the singer traveled to London to interview Swift. And so it happened. They sat opposite each other and it happened. The result, which is now rescued by X (Twitter, before), has gone viral with the conquest in the form of a double performance that the American is undertaking at the Santiago Bernabu.

From dancing in the chair to Edurne’s self-promotion

First was the flamenco episode. Edurne asked Taylor Swift if she knew how to dance any flamenco, sevillianto which she responded that yes, it sounded funny. The Spanish woman said that it was very easy and moved her hands, to which the American woman replied that I must be very good with that, or so the explanatory movement suggests. Edurne thanked. They hadn’t started yet.

I’m going to show it to you. It’s very easy. Take the apple from the tree… it’s something typical SpanishEdurne detailed, before Swift’s poker look, who only dared to say: Oh, cool…. De Gea’s wife continued: I take the apple from the tree, I bite it and I throw it…; and the same phrase, replicating the gesture, the interviewee said and did the same. And while you do it, you say… Ol!proceeded Edurne, imitating the gesture somewhat incrdula the interpreter of Shake it Off. “It’s perfect!” the Spanish woman celebrated. I appreciated the one from Pennsylvania. You have to try it on the next albumSugiri Edurne. Thanks for showing me, the interviewee seemed to decline. This is how Taylor Swift danced flamenco without leaving her chair.

Then came the question of the shower. A special question, do you sing in the shower like the rest of the people?Edurne launched, almost treating Swift with immortal honors, to which she replied: I don’t think I sing in the shower. No! Is rare. The Spanish singer suggested doing it and Swift, perhaps reflecting on her routine, couldn’t find a way: Besides, I take a lot of baths, you know? So you don’t necessarily sing in the bathtub.

Then the climax of the interview was reached. You don’t sing, that’s fine… but I recommend it, because when I take a shower I like to sing Edurne’s songs.said the interviewer, promoting herself and in the third person. You have to look for it… E, D, U, R, N, E, he continued, before Swift’s surreal gaze, who could only admire that Edurne was recording herself while she was showering. Then he returned to the load: I’m also a singer, I love it. I recommend it to you. Remember: E, D, U, R, N, E.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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