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The decision that Nicole Neumann made for her wedding with Manu Urcera

In recent months, the romantic future of Nicole Neuman He took a central role in the local show business after it was learned, at the beginning of the year, that Manu Urcera had finally asked him to marry him. Well, this had been talked about a lot at the end of 2022. Now, it seems that little by little more information is known, since the model herself spoke with “Partners of the Show”.

The situation occurred on a mobile, in the street, where the media spoke with an envoy from the El Trece program who asked for more information about the wedding, to which Nicole Neuman He stated: “It will be all surprise. In addition, it is all very recent, we are just beginning to devise it ”. According to her statements, her next husband is not very familiar with the organization of the event, but that is not why she is alone. “More with my mother-in-law who loves it, Manu like she gives it all the same, she tells me; ‘I don’t know, you choose,’ ”she confessed to her interviewer.

Although time still seems to be lacking, Nicole Neuman He took the opportunity to comment that it will not be a very big event either, since he pointed out: “I am going to invite the very close people, the people who are in my day to day, who love me, who give me good energy, who accompany me; guests of Manu and his family ”.

The wedding would be at the end of 2023.

Likewise, he talked about his sentimental future, not only about his marriage, but also about the next steps, but he preferred to put cold cloths on the matter. “Projects, as I say, are always there and little by little they are coming to fruition. Now we are going for the wedding that they asked me so much,” he said. the model and assured that he will not talk about issues “That they have nothing to do with me, with my work, or anything much further than what we are talking about my privacy; that’s it,” he said, commenting that he was able to meet his daughters’ brand new half-brother “at a school event where there was only the father”.

Nicole’s romantic Valentine

Tuesday was Valentine’s Day, one of the most romantic days of the year where couples decide to spend time together to forge moments and give each other things. This was the case for Nicole and Manu, who took the networks to profess the love they feel for each other.

Instagram post.

“When you meet someone who you immediately feel comfortable with and feel like you’ve known them forever, those are soul mates. Soulmates can be a friend or your partner”the model wrote in her stories and then shared the breakfast that the racing driver gave her.

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