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The dilemma of buying a PS5 in 2023: Is it worth it or is it better to wait for a next Sony console?

Who wouldn’t want to have one at home? PlayStation 5 (PS5) to play your favorite titles at will? The answer to this question is a solid “it depends”, because it depends on many factors.

For example, some lucky ones were able to buy Sony’s next-generation console when it came out in November 2020, but the PS5 coincided with a terrible time for the technology industry and the entire world: the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and its variants. .

The health contingency prevented the console from being manufactured on a large scale due to the shortage of some components caused by the pandemic. We are talking about a kind of limbo of two years, but after that period the video game stores already have a normal stock of PlayStation 5.

However, almost three years have passed since the launch of the PS5 and Buying a 2020 device in 2023 could be seen as a late purchase for a product that, while state-of-the-art, could be displaced by an upcoming Sony console..

Is it worth buying a PS5 in 2023?

A report of very computer Think about this question and take into account, of course, the money factor. The PS5, on average in different countries, is worth $50 more now than in 2020then we would be paying more for a product that came out almost three years ago.

Currently, a PS5 with a disc drive can cost $550, while the digital version is around $450. Think that if you have a PS4 or a PS4 Pro and even a gaming PC, it may not be worth buying a PlayStation 5. The computer and the Play 4 should meet your needs as a gamer.

There is also the fact Rumors about a new Sony console, which would be the PS5 Slim with the removable optical drive, apart from other information that speaks of a PS5 Pro by 2024. In both cases, we would be talking about a new product and an imminent update to the PS5 that we know of.

In conclusion, the decision is personal and putting all the factors on the same scale. If money is not your problem, buy the PS5. If you must evaluate your finances before shelling out $450-550, you better think about what your priorities and needs are.

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