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The Dilogo Award honors Mario Vargas Llosa and Albert Bensoussan

The Dilogo Award honors Mario Vargas Llosa and Albert Bensoussan

PARS.- He writer y award Nbel hispanoperuano Mario Vargas Llosa and his translator french, Albert Bensoussan, were awarded the Dilogo Prize, awarded by a Spanish-French association in Paris.

Bensoussan, a writer with a long history of translating great Latin American authors, collected the award on his behalf and on behalf of Vargas Llosa, who is currently in Peru.

“Translating is transmitting,” declared Bensoussan during the event held at the Spanish embassy. “Translation multiplies genius. The translator will always occupy a subordinate position. He comes later, he has not created, he has not known the storm inside the author’s skull,” he added.


Born into a family of Sephardic origin in Algeria, in 1935, Bensoussan has dedicated decades of work to popularizing authors such as Vargas Llosa, José Donoso, Zo Valds and Alfredo Bryce Echenique in France.

“It is the best gift that the Catholic Monarchs gave to France,” said the French writer Pierre Assouline, when presenting the winner, in an ironic reference to the expulsion at the end of the 15th century of the Jews from Spain, a large part of whom They settled in North Africa.

“As I have said many times, I would not be the writer I am, nor would my work be the same, without the influence of French literature,” said Assouline when reading a message from Vargas Llosa.

The author of Conversation in the CathedralNobel Prize winner in 2010, entered the French Academy last year, the first time that an author who does not originally write in French is part of the institution founded in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu.


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