The double extra that retirees will receive in their June pension

June is a month marked in red on the calendar. It is the first of the year, along with December, in which pensioners will receive the extra pay, given that the pension is distributed in 14 annual payments. In addition, the factor of revaluation in accordance with the CPI expected for this year must be taken into account.

For contributory pensions, the revaluation will be 3.8%, while the percentage rises to 6.9% for non-contributory pensions and the Minimum Vital Income (IMV). The increase will be 14.1% for widow’s pensions. The maximum pension is 44,450 euros per year, that is, about 3,175 euros per monthwhile the minimum pension is 7,250.60 euros per year for pensioners aged 65 and over.

A minimum pension that amounts to 14,466.20 euros in the case of retirees with a dependent spouse. Those under 65, for their part, receive 10,808 euros and 14,466.20 if they have a dependent spouse. Non-contributory old-age and disability pensions are 517.9 euros per month, that is, they are equivalent to 7,250.6 euros per year.

Retirees who receive the maximum pension, the main beneficiaries

This month, retirees will benefit from a double extra. That is, both the increase anticipated by the revaluation of their pension, and the subsequent increase that they receive in the extra pay, which is the amount they receive in proportion to the increase in their pension. Thus, Those who receive the maximum retirement pension will be the greatest beneficiaries of the increase, since they are going to charge a figure greater than 6,000 euros.

Pensioners who will not receive the extra

Therefore, those who collect pensions for retirement, permanent disability, widowhood and orphanhood, or a pension for family members, will collect the extra summer pay, and also the extra for the month of December, which applies to both contributory pensions and pensions. non-contributory. Instead, they will not benefit of the extra those who receive a benefit for common illness and non-work accident.

It is expected that this payment will be received around June 21 and 26. The amount of the extra is double the monthly net amount received by pensioners who have 14 annual payments. Social Security pays all pensions, as a general rule, between the 1st and 4th of each month, although some entities advance payment to their clients, so which are usually paid between the 22nd and 26th.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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