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The economic failure of Dulceida and Alba Paul’s podcast: There have been dismissals in Podimo

The economic failure of Dulceida and Alba Paul's podcast: There have been dismissals in Podimo

In mid October Dulceida and Alba Paul confirmed, through social networks and in the purest North American style, that they were releasing a paid podcast. We are very happy and excited. Some episodes are strong and we hope you love them. You see yourself traveling, right? Write in your respective profiles.

As naca Destiny: the stars, a project defined by the slogan Only us for you! that came to seal the good moment that both are going through in the sentimental field, after the storm of their breakup, and the beautiful business horizon to which they entrusted themselves.

While the first aspect seems to remain colorful and lively, the truth is that the second could have been a resounding failure. This is how they have revealed it Laura Fa and Lorena Vzquezwho already previewed the existence of this project before they themselves announced it, in their own podcast, Mamarazzis. Al economic setbackFurthermore, he would have been followed by some decisions within the company itself due to the magnitude of the disaster.

Apart from losing money non-stop, his treatment…

We said at that time that the amount they had charged for the podcast reached six figures, begins Fa, who, just after describing it as weak, releases the information: Even those at Podimo have said: What is this drama?, because the person who signed the contract with them… I know it was six figures, but between the two of them they almost took half a million euros for that podcast.. This figure, he assures, has not been recovered. Imagine how many highs you have to do to get that back, Fa suggests.

But it’s not there. Do you know what the screw-up was, besides that contract?Fa asks rhetorically, who then answers herself: They also had to pay for travel, makeup, all kinds of expenses.. This situation, he says, in addition to his sources, has generated a reaction on the part of the platform: There have been dismissals at Podimo in reference to this contract.

This drama ends with an awkwardness that seemed to settle in the studio due to the attitude of both. Apart from the pasture it cost them, the production team was fried. We are not going to give details, but fried to some levels… Apart from losing money non-stop, his treatment was not the most professional that was expected.details.

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