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The family misfortune of Nascar legend Jimmy Johnson

The family misfortune of Nascar legend Jimmy Johnson

Just a few days before the Nascar event is held in Chicago, the seven-time champion of the competition, Jimmie Johnson, has suffered a terrible family tragedy. His in-laws, parents of his wife Chandra Janway, were found dead at their home along with an eleven-year-old nephew of the pilot.

The events have happened in a house in Muskogee, in the state of Oklahoma. According to city police spokeswoman Lynn Hamlin, the main suspect is the mother-in-law, Terry Janway, although the investigation is not over. According to the reports they handle, the woman would have murdered her husband first and later his grandson before committing suicide.

The agents arrived at the home after receiving a call from a woman reporting that an incident involving a firearm had occurred. When they appeared at the scene, they saw a body lying near the front door and heard a new shot. in another room, where the two remaining corpses were.

It was traumatic to discover that a family of many years that had made so many contributions to our community was involved in this accident time. And it was even more chilling to find out that there was a child involved, ”said the mayor of the town, Marlon Coleman, in an interview on FOX23.

The family asks for privacy

Shortly after learning of the tragedy, the driver’s team, Legacy Motor Club, has announced that Johnson will not compete at Chicago. In addition, through his team, The family “has asked for privacy at this time” and has announced that they “will not comment.”

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