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The feast of care – Teri Hetcher also cares for her parents at Christmas

It is the festival of love, of contemplation, but also of care…

“Desperate Housewives” star Teri Hatcher (58) also meets Christmas her duty – and taking care of her father and mother.

“My parents are 87 and unfortunately somewhat frail. That’s why I brought them close to us last year, they now live directly opposite,” says the US actress.

The “Desperate Housewives” ladies 2006 (from left): Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Nicollette Sheridan, Eva Longoria and Marcia Cross

Photo: picture alliance/ dpa

“I’ll take care of her, it’s quite a challenge for me. But for me as a daughter, this is a matter of course. So this Christmas together with them will also be something special.”

Hatcher continues: “As always, I’ve built a Christmas world on the piano, and as always, I’m going to build something out of gingerbread. A house, a carousel, a car. Maybe that’s because I once had to study engineering. My parents didn’t give me a choice.”

A sweet guest from Florida

Andrea Kathrin Loewig

Andrea Kathrin Loewig (56, “In all friendship”) celebrates with her sister and is happy that her daughter is also there this year.

“My niece lives in Florida with her own family and since the flights are so expensive for four people they can’t come every year.”

No gift hassle

Dieter Hallervorden

Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa

“It’s our first Christmas as a newlywed couple,” says Dieter Hallervorden (87), who married his Christiane (56) in June.

Dieter Hallervorden married Christiane Zander this summer

Photo: Dirk Dehmel

“In addition, for the very first time I got through the chaos of buying last-minute gifts in November without any hassle.”

The first party for two

Christina Vogel


After relationship problems for Olympic track cycling champion Kristina Vogel (32), “the last few months have been a tough time. I am all the happier that I will be spending Christmas Eve alone with my partner Michael for the first time. I think that’s important. In everyday life, you often forget to be a couple.”

Photo: BILD

Cooking and baking for the homeless

Tina Ruland

Photo: Private

With actress Tina Ruland (56) and her sons (18, 12) “there is no normal Christmas tree and no crazy presents. Instead, we reflect on values ​​such as charity, which Christmas used to stand for. Therefore, for years we have set ourselves the goal of doing something for the people in our area. There is a shelter near where we live where homeless people sleep. Last year we baked cookies for them, cooked food. And we also spent time with them. This year we will cook or bake for you again on the 24th.”

Back to the roots

Bernhard Betterman

Photo: picture alliance / PublicAd

“For the first time in many years, I’m celebrating with the part of the family that has been neglected for 20 years: with my father and my brother,” says actor Bernhard Bettermann (57).

“I otherwise spent the party with my children and my ex-wife.”

Rediscover lights

Stephanie Stump

Photo: Stephanie Stumph/Instagram

Actress Stephanie Stumph (38) celebrates Christmas with her son Anton (6 months) for the first time.

“With the newcomer in the family, we will certainly perceive the lights everywhere in a completely new way. With a lot of luck there will also be snow that we can show him.”

This article comes from BILD am SONNTAG. The ePaper of the entire issue is available here.

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