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The fine that the DGT can impose on you after making the purchase

The fine that the DGT can impose on you after making the purchase

In the midst of the daily routine, it is common for drivers to be unaware of all the possible penalties they could receive for seemingly harmless actions. However, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has begun to impose fines for a practice that many carry out without realizing it: leave shopping bags next to the vehicle while organizing the products in the trunk.

The legal basis for this penalty is found in article 12, point 2, of the General Traffic Regulations, that prohibits throwing, depositing or abandoning objects or materials on the road that may impede circulation or endanger it. This includes leaving shopping bags on the ground next to the vehicle, as it could hinder other drivers from parking and affect the flow of traffic in the area.

The fine can be up to 200 euros.

The fine for this infraction, classified as a minor offense, can reach 80 euros. Furthermore, it is relevant to highlight that Not all violations are eligible for the 50% discount. Behaviors such as using radar jammers, falsifying the identification of the responsible driver, carrying out works on the road without authorization or violating regulations related to road safety do not qualify for this benefit.

Also, carry loose objects in an inappropriate place inside your vehicle It can also result in a fine of approximately 200 euros. Therefore, it is advisable to place purchases in the trunk and to check before starting the vehicle that the bags are not loose. The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) highlighted in a tweet that the fine of 200 euros is due to the fact that if the load is not properly secured and moves, it alters the center of gravity of the vehicle, making control difficult in emergency situations. .

Ultimately, the key to avoiding unexpected fines is know and respect road safety rules. Although it may be difficult to stay on top of all the regulations, it is essential to educate yourself to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. Paying attention to the details related to parking and loading the vehicle can avoid not only fines, but also potentially dangerous situations on the road.

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