Women’s FootballComments

Luis Mena will have to prepare what will be his first great challenge in command of the Chilean National Team, since he will have to compete in the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago.

© Colo ColoThe first challenge that Mena will have as DT of Chile FEM.

Luis Mena said goodbye last Sunday in his last game with Colo Colo Femenino. The historic former soccer player and now coach, is looking for a new challenge and will soon assume the technical bench of the Chilean Women’s Team.

One of the main challenges that the strategist in command of La Roja will have will be participation in the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games. This competition will be held from October 22 and will end on November 3.

Luis Mena’s first great challenge

A total of eight teams are those that will compete in said football instance, within which is the presence of four nations belonging to Conmebol and another four from Concacaf. Those who participate is the adult women’s team of Chile as host.

In addition, the other three Conmebol participating teams are those who finished third to fifth in the 2022 Copa América Femenina. In this case, Brazil and Colombia will not participate because they go directly to the World Cup as champion and runner-up.

That is how third place stayed with Argentina that will compete in Santiago 2023, in addition to fourth place belonged to Paraguay y, fifth place went to Chilebut being the organizer of the Pan American Games, the list runs which makes Venezuela classify.

From Concacaf, the qualifiers are the United States, Canada, Jamaica and Costa Rica. It remains to be seen who will be Chile’s rivals in the corresponding draw, which should be defined in the coming months closer to the start of the Pan American Games.

This tournament will take place in its entirety at the Elías Figueroa Brander Stadium in Valparaísofor those who want to accompany the Chilean Women’s National Team in this important great challenge that will have the presence of Luis Mena as DT of the Red.

It’s not the only challenge

Previously, to everything that will have to do with the Pan American Games tournament, Luis Mena will have to overcome his first friendly matches as DT of the Chilean National Team, since, next July, he will have two commitments on the FIFA Date.


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