Two businessmen reveal an unpopular plan

The moving images of children, adolescents and the elderly incorporated into the concentrations, begging, crying, holding María Corina Machado in her embrace, are the most solid evidence of the damage carried out by a dictatorship, and of the rage and pain of the Venezuelan people.

The dictatorship has driven the country underground and people are clinging to their only chance for survival. María Corina does not need a political harangue. Her speech is based on principles and desires. She talks about living with dignity, respecting the law, doing good and also dreaming again. And the most powerful thing: the possibility of recovering the family. María Corina says it to a country that the regime has mutilated, but that despite that has become stronger and something very important: she has lost her fear.

There is not much to add when considering the future as a choice between good and evil. A population that has been assaulted, violated, harassed, impoverished, humiliated, persecuted, divided, is not going to lose the opportunity to change its situation given the almost miraculous opportunity of the presidential election on July 28.

What the country is experiencing these days is very powerful. What stands out is the ability to organize, the strength to express oneself and – very importantly – the efficient way of communicating and turning the regime’s censorship into a strident failure.

The images of each concentration express a firm decision to survive. And to do it well; with respect, with civility, with decency, in freedom. Of course, with the recovery of justice and the cessation of the plundering of our country’s resources. Winning.

What is being proposed has the evil out of place, of course. Nicolás Maduro and his cronies seem out of sorts. They were used to subduing the population by subjecting it to the yoke of need, of having to beg and accept crumbs to survive. They celebrated the departure of almost 8 million Venezuelans from Venezuela.

They boasted of their power and now they were revealed in a story they did not expect in which while a nun gives a scapular of the Virgin of Carmen to María Corina Machado, Nicolás Maduro invites witches to Miraflores; While María Corina consoles the desperate with love, Maduro calls for hatred, cowardly mocking his opponents, attacking with special viciousness the presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

Feeling unpunished, Maduro lacks an alibi that can deny how he and his Palace entourage have dismantled the country for the benefit of their mafias and personal pockets. The mere presence of the dictator and the complicit court that accompanies him in power are positive proof of how they have become rich. There are plenty of videos that record the contempt of people when they see them in very expensive vehicles, covered in luxuries that slap the citizen, showing off watches and shoes, suits and handbags from exclusive brands that would be enough to buy more than one lavish apartment.

That is why it is particularly powerful to see a rosary made of balloons merge with the sky of Mérida, while Maduro displays banality by advertising himself by dancing, simulating indifference, without ceasing, of course, to exude the hatred with which he is willing to do anything. to stay in power. We then reach the point where the strategy will have to consider how far Maduro is willing to go, the cost he is willing to pay to continue at the head of this dictatorship – something that can go very badly – and how far his entourage would also accompany him. civil and military. Because there are many secret signs of trading anxiety.

Meanwhile, the regime always has the Public Ministry and the courts at its service to become creative in trying to cover unconstitutional actions with legality, as well as the construction of fabrications that would try to attribute violent acts to the opposition leadership. Delcy Rodríguez and the Prosecutor’s Office were activated with the story of an alleged attack against the Angostura Bridge. Maduro has also announced that he has “evidence” of coup attempts. Blatant blackmail. A government that respects the law does not deal with a crime in the form of a suspense soap opera.

Another fabricated case that would be laughable if it did not mean a tragedy for Venezuelans is that of the electrical attack. But be careful, they may use it to execute a reckless plan. Military sources warn that one of the scenarios for July 28, given the inevitable massive participation, is to seek a general blackout.

The bad guys can no longer hide their hooves.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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