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The forgotten d’Amboise: what is this fiction with Philippe Bas and Pauline Bression worth, broadcast this evening?

In The forgotten one of Amboise, rebroadcast on France 3, the Pauline Bression/Philippe Bas tandem investigates hand in hand to understand how a famous violinist died. Breathtaking and disorienting.

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Meet at the Château d’Amboise, this Saturday September 16 on France 3, where a violinist was murdered near the tomb of Leonardo da Vinci, and placed in the same position as The Vitruvian Man, a famous work by artist. It is obviously a detective fiction as the channel likes to concoct them, taking place in a French region. The forgotten Amboisethat’s its name, is carried by a unique duo who take us on a wide-ranging investigation in the heart of Touraine, magnificently filmed.

The forgotten Amboise : what is this fiction with Philippe Bas and Pauline Bression about?

After a concert given at the Château d’Amboise, a violinist is found murdered near the tomb of Leonardo da Vinci, in a position reminiscent of The Vitruvian Man, one of the artist’s most famous drawings. Dispatched there, Alban Dutertre (Philippe Bas), captain in the Orléans research section, teams up with adjutant Bérénice Amarillo, a sagacious gendarme but lacking self-confidence after an arrest that went wrong.

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The forgotten Amboise : should you watch this fiction with Philippe Bas and Pauline Bression?

In this role of Blue, Pauline Bression, known to the public of France 3 for playing Emma in More beautiful life since 2014, has demonstrated his lovely playing range, using his youthful pout to convey many emotions. A talent to follow!

In this TV film shot in Touraine, Pauline Bression found “interesting to play a police officer returning to the field after being traumatized by her first experience”. The actress explains how she went about taking on the role: “I relied on the little flaws in the character to compose it. Bérénice is gentle but has character: she just lacks self-confidence”.

The police extras were also important. “Then, on the set, we were surrounded by real gendarmes and police officers so I was coached, particularly in shooting with a firearm. I spent a whole Saturday at the shooting range to learn and so, I felt more credible.”

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