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The Grand Mosque of Paris files a complaint against the writer Michel Houellebecq

The mosque announced in a statement to sue the writer for “very serious remarks about Muslims in France” that he would have made in an interview for the magazine Popular Front.

The Great Mosque of Paris announced on Wednesday to file a complaint against Michel Houellebecq. In a press release published on Twitter, the mosque specifies that it has initiated these legal proceedings following “very serious remarks about Muslims in France” made by the writer in a recent interview for a special issue of the magazine. Popular Front.

In this press release, signed by the rector Chems-Eddine Hafiz, the great mosque points to several extracts from this interview carried out in November between the novelist and the founder of this review, the philosopher Michel Onfray, which it considers “unacceptable”.

“When entire territories are under Islamic control, I think acts of resistance will take place. There will be attacks and shootings in mosques, in cafes frequented by Muslims, in short, Bataclans upside down,” says Michel Houellebecq during this interview.

And to add: “The wish of the native French population, as they say, is not that Muslims assimilate, but that they stop stealing from them and attacking them. Or else, another solution, let them go.”

Words “of staggering brutality”

The Great Mosque of Paris denounces these remarks made by Michel Houellebecq which are according to it “a staggering brutality” and claims to have filed a complaint against the writer “before the public prosecutor of Paris for provocation to hatred against Muslims” .

“Michel Houellebecq affirms that Muslims are not real French people. Muslims give him an appointment before the criminal court to oppose him with what the law says”, assures the rector of the mosque.

To support its point, the Grand Mosque of Paris recalls in its press release the recent judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the “Zemmour case”. On December 20, the former polemicist was dismissed by the international court after challenging a conviction for remarks targeting Muslims made in 2016.

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