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The harrowing story of Diego Matamoros after suffering sleep paralysis

The harrowing story of Diego Matamoros after suffering sleep paralysis

Diego Matamoros is quite a regular on social networks, especially on Instagram where he has more than 423,000 followers. It is precisely on this platform that he has recounted the terrifying experience that he lived just a few days ago when he suffered his first sleep paralysis. “It’s crazy to have experienced it”advance.

The son of the television show Kiko Matamoros does not hesitate when it comes to affirming that it is the worst feeling he has experienced until then. “If I could ask the universe for something, it would be to never live it again,” he says. According to his account, he had been suffering from severe headaches for several days, although he chose not to give it any importance, believing that it was migraines. However, everything got worse when he decided to lie down.

Your experience

“I fell asleep at what point I don’t know because I fell unconscious and the worst came later,” he describes on his Instagram. And it is that Diego Matamoros quickly realized that his body did not respond. “I couldn’t open my eye, move my arm, or my hands, or my legs, or anything. It has been super distressing until I managed to open one eye a little. I don’t know how long it’s been. It’s been awful. I was trying to move and couldn’t,” she adds.

“Apparently, the brain wakes up, but there is a part of it that remains inactive and this is what makes you move. Hence the first thing you think is that you are dead seeing ghosts. You can’t tell the truth from the dreams”, he ends by saying. The truth is that sleep paralysis affects 8% of the population.

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