The image of Aurah Ruiz that sparks pregnancy rumors

Aurah Ruiz He made a drastic decision about his future on networks, where he has accumulated a cast of followers. The television, assiduous in sharing what her life is like and the occasional daring image, She reduced her social activity after being overwhelmed by the criticism she received. I miss the people who followed me and were not easy to insult. Because of those people, many people miss me. I’m still the same, but that’s why I’ve left social media and I only post photos in which I look cute, I noted a few months ago.

Since then, Aurah has only shared a few glimpses of her life in Gran Canaria with her son Nyan, the son he has in common with Jesús Rodríguez, who is currently in Brazil defending the colors of Coritiba. The last publication of the former contestant of VIP Big Brother on his Instagram profile has set off alarms among his followers.

The love of my life is also in the photo

But why? The caption used for this image suggests that the television actress may become a mother for the second time. The love of my life is also in the photo, He has written. In this publication, the influencer can be seen posing alone from one of the streets of the Canary archipelago.

Most of the comments collected in this publication point in the same direction: a possible pregnancy. Pregnant?, Pregnancy in sight, For me who is pregnant, are some of the highlighted reactions. For now, Aurah has not reacted to the rumors of her new motherhoodbut it is not ruled out that it will do so in the coming weeks, either to confirm or deny it.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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