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The important achievement that Flor de la V accomplished in "Intruders"

Over time flower of the V She managed to transform herself from a celebrity figure to a television host of one of the most important cycles of the entertainment world. During today’s episode of “Intruders”, an important anniversary was celebrated, since this date coincides with the first program that the diva presented on the historic América TV show.

“I can’t believe that a year has passed since I timidly entered through that door, I didn’t even know where I was going, with great enthusiasm, uncertainty, scared,” said the actress, who indicated that this channel was very important in her life. “The first note here in America was made for me by Alfano on ‘Periscope’, in the year 96,” he said. flower of the V on your anniversary.

In addition to commenting on this very special date, the host he also talked about two coincidences that happened to him for this show. “I really believe in energies, they happen for a reason, for my debuts white is like a cabal that I have, it is something that I always use. I didn’t remember that this week I was going to be a year old, but yesterday, I was organizing the looks and I had this dress and a green one. I said, I’ll start with green and tomorrow I’ll wear white,” he said. flower of the V to the cameras.

On the other hand, he also indicated that the song with which he had to enter is very sentimental in his life. “Before going in, I ask the producer, what do we start with? She tells me with ‘Desesperada’, by Marta Sánchez and I tell her: ‘I can’t believe it’. When I got on stage for the first time in my life it was for the gala and it was with that song”, he pointed out, adding that “Since last night I think that we don’t have to forget where we come from, I will never forget that I got on that little bar with great enthusiasm and uncertainty like a year ago and today I am here”.

The harsh accusations against Flor de la V

Before Flor arrived at Intrusos, the program was hosted by Adrián Pallares and Rodrigo Lussich, who decided to go to El Trece at the time to be part of “Socios del Espectáculo”. Although Pallares is usually oblivious to quarrels, he referred to her successor and an attitude that he does not like from her.

Pallares did not like the attitude that Flor de la V has against them.

‘Intruders’ had to end with Rial. When I hear Florencia tell us ‘the previous management’, it gives me the feeling of being ignored. There is something about that that hurts us”, indicated the journalist to the radio station La Once Diez, where he added that they supported America’s decision to elect her, for which this ninguneo disappoints them even more.

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