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The impressive gifts that Cinthia Fernández gave her daughters at Christmas

Cinthia Fernandez She is one of the most recognized panelists on Argentine television, and in part, this fame was also born from the details that the media itself has aired about her private life.

Some of the most commented is the great legal conflict that Cinthia Fernandez She owns it with Matías Defederico, the father of her three daughters: Bella, Charis and Francesca, whom Ángel de Brito’s ex-panelist accuses of not giving her the maintenance prescribed by the courts and of applying domestic violence against them.

The media has always been very close to its three little ones.

Despite the fact that this media conflict has opened a strong crack in the world of entertainment, no one can deny that Cinthia Fernandez She is one of the most dedicated mothers in show business. This can even be confirmed with some family trips, parties and videos that the panelist has made in the company of her three daughters.

This time, Yanina Latorre’s colleague He took the opportunity to publish some gifts that the baby Jesus and Santa Claus brought to his three little girls. One of her gifts was a dollhouse style that recreates a classroom with lights, a blackboard and desks. As the media wrote, this toy works with batteries, which she forgot to buy, since it contains LED lights..

He also showed two interactive stuffed animals that respond to the command given to them by their owner. That is to say, that the toys can sit, “give the paw”, walk and even play by voice command. Finally, the figure of El Trece also showed some shirts and other details that were bought in the United States and brought by a shipping company.

Cinthia Fernández’s problem at Christmas

An important fact is that days before the December holidays were celebrated, Pampito’s colleague published the decoration of her house that impressed many, although a small detail stole attention.

According to Fernández, he showed his daughters’ gifts at the request of his Instagram followers.

Many of her followers emphasized that the decoration was missing the manger, and although the exangelita later showed this typical Christian ornament, many criticized that the little baby Jesus was already on before December 24.

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