You are currently viewing The Intern: will we see Lucas again, the young boy for whom Boris (Antoine Hamel) takes a liking?

In this fourth episode of The trainee, Lucas enters the series. A moving character, attached to Boris, will he be present in the next episodes? Leisure TV to the answer!

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A touching story tonight in The trainee ! In this new episode with Jérémie Poppe, the companion of an actress More beautiful life who played two different roles in the France 3 series, viewers were able to meet a touching character, Luke. Indeed, while the young boy has just lost his mother in a terrible attack, and not having a father, the latter is left to his own devices in a home. But adaptation proves difficult. Boris played by Antoine Hamel takes a liking to Luke, but this rapprochement is prohibited by the profession of the judge until the trial is over. Will we see the boy again in the next episodes?

The trainee : will we see Lucas again, the young boy for whom Boris takes a liking?

Good news. The little Luke didn’t say goodbye to the series! Viewers will be able to see the young man again in the next episode and the series finale. The touching relationship he has with Boris could embarrass the judge… Morning and evening, Boris visits him at home, but this situation cannot last forever. Furthermore, the juvenile judge does not want to talk about it to his wife, who is starting to suspect something. In the finale of this end of season, the situation between the two evolves! Will he adopt Luke under his roof? Answer in the next episodes…

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The trainee : a season 8 under the sign of family

For this unique arch, Michèle Bernier alias Constance returned in an interview given to Leisure TV on the dominant subject of this eighth season, family. “This season is one of questioning, when we wonder, as parents, if we have made the right choices for our children and if they in turn make them, confides the actress. “We all face these thoughts. At work, with Judge Delcourt, Constance deals with dramatic family matters. This aspect disturbs her a lot and ultimately brings her back to the idea that we are not so bad at home. The series has always given particular importance to the family nest.”

Also find Michèle Bernier in the Dhombres et de Lumières podcast which is dedicated to him.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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