The interview of Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme on BFMTV in full

On the same subject

The interview of Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme on BFMTV in full

The interview of Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme on BFMTV in full

Gerard Davet: "We meet a lot of former advisers to Emmanuel Macron who are appalled by the atmosphere of this five-year term"

Gérard Davet: “We meet a lot of former advisers to Emmanuel Macron who are appalled by the atmosphere of this five-year term”

Fabrice Lhomme on pensions: "Politically, Emmanuel Macron has no choice but to hold"

Fabrice Lhomme on pensions: “Politically, Emmanuel Macron has no choice but to hold on”

Gerard Davet: "Emmanuel Macron is devoid of the empathy that makes the French identify with someone"

Gérard Davet: “Emmanuel Macron lacks the empathy that makes the French identify with someone”

Fabrice Lhomme: "Emmanuel Macron gave instructions to his entourage not to speak to us"

Fabrice Lhomme: “Emmanuel Macron gave instructions to those around him not to talk to us”

According to Fabrice Lhomme, the relationship between Emmanuel Macron and François Hollande is "freezing"

According to Fabrice Lhomme, the relationship between Emmanuel Macron and François Hollande is “icy”

For Gérard Davet, the favoritism case targeting Olivier Dussopt will probably not have an impact within the government

For Gérard Davet, the favoritism case targeting Olivier Dussopt will probably not have an impact within the government

Fabrice Lhomme on Olivier Dussopt: "It is the minister supposed to ask for efforts from the French who is reproached for having benefited from gifts"

Fabrice Lhomme about Olivier Dussopt: “It is the minister supposed to ask the French for efforts who is accused of having benefited from gifts”

"The debate took place": Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, responds to Laurent Berger

“The debate has taken place”: Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, responds to Laurent Berger

Obstruction in the Assembly: already in 2006, 137,000 amendments were tabled on the law organizing the merger between Suez and GDF

Obstruction in the Assembly: already in 2006, 137,000 amendments were tabled on the law organizing the merger between Suez and GDF

Assan Lakehoul, Young Communists coordinator: "It's an old moon to want to oppose the strikers and the users"

Assan Lakehoul, coordinator of the Young Communists: “It’s an old moon to want to oppose the strikers and the users”

Othman Nasrou, LR vice-president of the Île-de-France region: "It is not attacking the right to strike to frame it"

Othman Nasrou, LR vice-president of the Île-de-France region: “It is not attacking the right to strike to frame it”

Clément Beaune, Minister of Transport, is considering a framework for the right to strike

Clément Beaune, Minister of Transport, is considering a framework for the right to strike

Erik Meyer (Sud-Rail) on a ban on striking during the holidays: "This proposal is ridiculous"

Erik Meyer (Sud-Rail) on a ban on striking during the holidays: “This proposal is ridiculous”