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The judge asks that Robinho serve his sentence for rape in Italy in Brazil

The judge asks that Robinho serve his sentence for rape in Italy in Brazil

The investigating judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil has decided that Robinho is serving time in the South American country for the sexual assault he committed in Italy in 2013. The former soccer player was convicted in January 2022 for gang rape in a nightclub and, feeling the weight of the law on him, he decided to emigrate to Brazil to take refuge as there was no extradition agreement between the two countries.

I vote for the approval of the sentence, with the transfer of the execution of the sentence, so that the convicted person serves the sentence of nine years in prison in an initially closed regime for the practice of the crime of rape, the judge, Francisco Falco, has ruled. Even so, the decision will go to a criminal execution judge in the city of Santos to finish issuing a final verdict.

In Falco’s opinion, denying the requests of the Italian Justice would be committing a new violation against the dignity of the victim, since the criminal would remain totally unpunished due to Brazil’s inability to retry the same act. The legislation prevents review of the merit of the sentence. We only have to determine if the requirements for the transfer of the execution of the sentence are met, he added in what has been understood as a criticism of the country’s judicial capacity.

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