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The keys to Dani Alves’ sentence: when can he be released from prison, sentence reduction and compensation

The keys to Dani Alves' sentence: when can he be released from prison, sentence reduction and compensation

Dani Alves already knows the future that awaits him. The Brazilian footballer has been sentenced to four years and six months in prison for sexually assaulting a young woman at the Sutton nightclub on the night of December 30 to 31, 2022. The sentence also establishes for the accused five years of supervised release, a restraining order on the victim for nine years and six months and compensation of 150,000 euros.

The judge considers in the order that The accused abruptly grabbed the complainant, threw her to the ground and, preventing her from moving, penetrated her vaginally, even though the complainant said no, she wanted to leave.. He also points out that flirting attitudes They do not mean giving carte blanche to any abuse or aggression that occurs subsequently. Neither the fact that the complainant has danced in a suggestive manner, nor that she has brought her buttocks closer to the accused, or that she has even been able to hug the accused, can lead us to assume that she gave her consent to everything that could subsequently occur.


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The mitigating factor for repairing the damage

One of the great keys to the sentence is found in the strategy designed by Alves’s defense to reduce his client’s prison sentence. Ins Guardiola and his team of lawyers have taken advantage of the mitigating circumstance of repairing the damage, which has meant that the sentence has been reduced by half.. The court states that the payment of compensation 150,000 euros for moral and psychological damage and injurieswhich he carried out before the trial was held regardless of whether there was a conviction or not, has been decisive in the footballer receiving a lesser sentence.

Prior to the trial, the defense has deposited 150,000 euros into the Court’s account to deliver to the victim, without any type of condition. This is not everything, The fact of having paid this amount of money before knowing the sentence expresses a reparative desire that must be considered as a mitigating circumstance.

When will Alves get out of prison?

The legal theory with the sentence in hand indicates that Alves will not be released from prison until July 20, 2027, but he has every chance of being free before the deadline. But why? The former Barcelona footballer will be able to go out on the street for the first time starting July 20, 2024 in the event that justice grants him the third degree.

To do this, the inmate must meet a series of requirements: serve a part of the sentence, a third or half of it, demonstrate good behavior, guarantee family and social roots, payment of civil liability to the victim and not have a high risk of escape. The latter could prevent Alves from being released from prison, given that could head to Brazila country that does not have an extradition agreement with Spain.

The key day is April 20, 2025, since he will have served two thirds of his sentence. Enough time to get the third grade and, with it, get out of prison. This concession would allow you to sleep and spend weekends in your home. Once four years and six months have passed, that is, when the sentence runs out, the footballer will be under supervised release until 2032.

All of these assumptions will apply in the event that Alves accepts the sentence. However, His lawyer has already announced that they will appeal, so his condition will continue to be that of provisional prisoner and he will not be able to benefit from the benefits contemplated in article 154. of the Penitentiary Regulations. Even so, he could be granted provisional release at any time if the court so deems it.

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