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The lawyer of Daniel Sancho’s mother, optimistic about his future: There will be no conviction

The lawyer of Daniel Sancho's mother, optimistic about his future: There will be no conviction

The cards are already on the table in the case of Daniel Sanchowho is in provisional detention in the Thai prison of Koh Samui waiting for the trial to be held after having confessed to the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrietawith whom the young Spanish chef supposedly had a romantic relationship.

Although the Prosecutor’s Office of the Asian country requests the death penalty for him considering that it is a premeditated murder, Carolina Castro, the lawyer of Silvia Bronchalo, the cook’s mother, was positive about the trialwhich will take place between April 9 and May 3 of next year.

According to his words during his participation in the program four a day, things are in a different way than how they have been told and narrated. The aggregate: A series of evidence and witnesses have been presented by Daniel Sancho’s defense, which will change the story of the events..

A trial with 57 witnesses

A total of 57 witnesses, including the parents of the Colombian doctor, with whom Sancho will have to see faces at the hearing. Of these, 28 will be presented by the Prosecutor’s Office and 27 will be carried out by the defense.including one whose identity is currently protected.

All the people working on Sancho’s defense are convinced that there will not be a conviction. One thing is what has been said and another is the evidence that the defense has presented and they are going to try to refute the accusation. Silvia is hopeful, Castro added.

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