The Maduro regime only has violence left

SAN CRISTOBAL.- The opposition Maria Corina Machado He completed his second day of touring the state of Táchira, in the Venezuelan Andes.

From there he pointed out that “the regime of Nicolás Maduro “The only thing left is lies, sowing fear and violence, because they know that they are the past, they know that we have already defeated them in the hearts of Venezuelans and in the streets of Venezuela.”

The leader, winner of the opposition primaries and who is campaigning for the candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, concluded the tour of Táchira on Friday. She pointed out that in the presidential on July 28, “all the centers and all the tables will have not only their witness, but the entire 600k platform of communities around these centers to defend the votes.”

During the political event in San Cristóbal, 805 kilometers from Caracas, María Corina Machado received a call from González Urrutia.

“What we are experiencing today is the joyful and living example of what will happen on July 28th!! Everyone in the streets to vote for freedom. San Cristóbal overflowing and until the end,” Machado wrote on the social network .

Cry for change

For his part, Juan Pablo Guanipa, leader of Primero Justicia who has accompanied Maria Corina Machado throughout all the regions of the country, he indicated that La Quinta Avenida de San Cristóbal was too small in the opposition rally this Friday.

“A sea of ​​​​Tachirenses who join the clamor of change that today is present in every corner of our country. Long live Free Venezuela! “She stressed.

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He also said that the response of the people in the state of Táchira “is unparalleled. It is the most impressive act that I have seen in this entire campaign, in which I have been an eyewitness of everything or almost everything. I have always seen massive events. Always “I have seen great emotion. But what I have seen today has no comparison (…) We are determined to change and there is no dictatorship or force that can stop this noble and courageous Venezuelan people.”


Source: María Corina Machado Campaign Command

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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