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The man who denounced Edwin Arrieta reveals his hell: “I didn’t go out for fear of finding him”

The same afternoon that Ana Rosa Quintana began her afternoon schedule, And now Sonsoles He decided to make the war his own by launching an exclusive that has turned the Daniel Sancho case upside down. The program team had managed to interview a person who, 18 years ago, was exhaustively and violently harassed by Edwin Arrieta. Statements about the beatings that the surgeon gave him, the persecutions he carried out on his family or the “terror” from which he could not escape (“There was a day when he called me 143 times”) They have made Arrieta’s image rotate 180 degrees. In this program the story that It culminated in court for physical assault.

Sonsoles begins, minutes before delving into the topic, with a first novelty compared to the previous program. The complaining individual is on the set. “There is only one difference between this man we call Luis and Daniel Sancho. Luis sued him and won. “Daniel killed him.”, proclaims the television. When Sonsoles starts the interview, Luis gives the first headline: “This is a story that was mine.”

Luis’s testimony begins in the night they both met, in the same way it started the day before. But now it provides many new details that do not leave any dark gaps. The surgeon approached and he rejected him. Later, Luis saw him at the bathroom door crying and, as he says, with his self-esteem hurt to the core. “My mistake was having told him that even when dressed well he looked good.”he confesses, describing the verbatim words of a comment that, he insists, was born out of the desire to encourage him and nothing more.

“I had someone who investigated me and followed me”

And there everything is born. Edwin suddenly appeared in his life. On nights with friends, when he was walking down the street, on his way to work… “He knew information about my life that I had not given him”, assures Luis. The first of them, the phone number. “One day coming home I found some flowers at the door of my house, the doorman told me that a man whose description matched Edwin’s left them there”, says. Then the surgeon called and, again, Luis declined: “I always told him no. “I don’t know where I got my information from.”

“You think this will never happen to you. At that time she was 30 years old and one believes that she manages everything, but the situation began to get out of control “, extends the story in front of Sonsoles. The not at all mysterious apparitions continued. The calls and the chases, too. Luis even claims that Edwin even sent him the address of his office and threatened to tell his mother, whose phone number he had also obtained, what his sexual position was. “He was a person who knew how to blackmail”, Explain. Given this cascade of data that the surgeon knew, one of the darkest parts of the story arose: “Edwin confessed that he had someone who was investigating me and following me”.

And so seven long months passed. “I didn’t go out for fear of finding him”, he reveals. But they crossed paths twice. One in a restaurant and another in the parking lot of a shopping center; In the second, the surgeon stole his car keys and said, according to Luis, that until he agreed to take him home he would not return them. “If I don’t set the limit for Edwin, I would be in Daniel’s position. “He does not measure limits”Luis summarizes. To the confessed murderer he sends a message of understanding, never of justification, saying that he had a “Stronger Edwin”. To the father, Rodolfo Sancho, he advises “continue as a family”. But, above all, it makes the summer news a bitter memory. “After so long I thought it was a forgotten topic. I thought: ‘what has he done to this boy?’

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