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The message that Daniel Sancho sent after committing the crime: “Send me some mercenaries”

One month after the death of Edwin Arrieta and with the investigation closed by the police, lurid details of the moments after Daniel Sancho committed the murder in Thailand are still being revealed. Minutes after committing the crime, Rodolfo Sancho’s son called some people around him supposedly to confess that he had killed Edwin with a blow and sent some messages to report on the delicate situation that was going to live in the Asian country and thus ask for help.

As published this Monday ok diarybefore the police definitively withdrew his phone, Sancho managed to send a surprising message in which he already knew which prison he was going to enter: “Send me some mercenaries to Koh Samui jail”, he wrote to a friend always according to the information of the aforementioned medium.

The penal code in Thailand is popularly known for its harshness and investigators have already they would have threatened Sancho with the consequences he would have if he did not confess and collaborate with the investigation. Perhaps that is why the Spaniard already knew what was coming, since such a bloody murder in that country can mean at least fifteen years in prison, although it can also be life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

By the time he sent the message, Daniel Sancho was already accumulating innumerable interrogations by the Thai authorities, who finally decided to take him to a luxury restaurant to earn his trust. and that he confess all the details of the crime against Edwin Arrieta. It should be remembered that he later made a reconstruction of the events that the Thai police leaked to the media as well as a drawing in which he showed in detail how he had dismembered the body of the Colombian.

Money, a serious problem

Daniel Sancho already has his parents, Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo, in Thailand. She has visited him on a dozen occasions and has brought him some objects to help him stay in jail, as well as giving him money to be able to live a little better behind bars. However, Rodolfo was forced to delay his trip to Southeast Asia allegedly because of economic reasons. And it is that the plane tickets, the accommodation in Thailand, the Thai lawyers and the Carmen Balfagón and Marcos García Montes services are being a headache for the Sancho family, who could find a new open front with the compensation that they are going to request the environment of Edwin Arrieta and whose sum could amount to 500,000 euros.

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