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The most tense moments of the Biden-Trump debate: You’re a fool

The most tense moments of the Biden-Trump debate: You're a fool

The disqualifications, the insults and the mutual reproaches, together with the lapses involving the democratic candidate for re-electionJoe Bidenwere also protagonists in the debate between the candidates for the presidency of the United States.

Both the current White House leader and his predecessor, former President Trump, avoided shaking hands. Foreign policy, with Ukraine and the Middle East as the main protagonists, as well as the inmigracin, abortion or economy, were some of the most prominent topics of a debate that left several moments of tension and anger. Hours after the debate, CNN itself said that heMost US voters believe Trump won the debate.

One of them, when Trump accused Biden of disrespecting American veterans. Thus, Biden called his predecessor a fool and a loser a Washington. My son was not a loser or a fool. You are the fool. You are the loser., he responded to Trump, referring to his son, Beau Biden, who died in 2015 and served as a soldier in the Army. To understand the context of this response from the democratic candidate, we must go back to 2020.

At that time, according to the report magazine The Atlantic Citing senior officials, Donald Trump, when he was American president, refused to visit the graves of American soldiers buried in Aisne-Marne, an American cemetery located near Paris. Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s full of losersTrump would have stated, according to those sources cited by the magazine.

From the worst president in history, voting for Trump is voting against democracy

The episode with the American veterans was not the only scuffle they had. donald Trump He was the first to attack Biden’s administration, which rated as the worst president in the history of the United States. The Republican showed himself capable of ending the war in Ukraine before taking office if he returns to the White House, and attacked the aid received by kyiv.

We have given (Ukraine) hundreds of billions of dollars, Every time Zelensky comes to Washington he takes money, he is a great businessmanAccording to his version, neither Ukraine nor Israel would have been invaded under his watch. Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if the United States had a president that Vladimir Putin respected.

For his part, Biden was not far behind and came to this conclusion during his speech. Voting for Trump is voting against democracy. In his case, the Democrat defended the United States’ role in NATO and accused Trump of wanting to remove the country from the Atlantic Alliance. By the way, I got 50 other nations around the world to support Ukraine (…) This guy wants to leave NATO. Are you going to stay in NATO? Are you going to leave NATO?.

Biden’s failures

Other moments highlighted by analysts were the lapses carried out by Biden, with his initial hesitation, compared to Donald Trump who started the debate with energy. One of the lapses had to do with the access to medications with Medicare.

Making sure that we are able to make every single person eligible for what I have been able to do with covid, sorry to deal with everything that has to do with… Finally, we beat MedicareBiden said after he went blank for a few seconds. To which Trump responded. I don’t know what he said, I don’t think he knows either.. According to a survey by CNN, Most viewers believed that Trump won the debate.

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