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The mother of singer Luifer Cuello died in Miami; concert canceled this sunday

The mother of singer Luifer Cuello died in Miami;  concert canceled this sunday

(We recommend you read: Pipe Bueno and Nico Hernández went out to the streets of Bogotá to sing at traffic lights).

I need to see my mom, I can’t follow the tour, sorry with all my heart

The singer Luifer Cuello, through his Twitter account, He apologized to his fans for not being able to attend his tour.

(It may be of interest to you: President Petro sends condolences to the family of the deceased Air Force pilot).

“I need to see my mom, I can’t continue the tour, I apologize with all my heart, this has never happened to me, I’ve never been bad, but I want to see her before she leaves,” the singer said on Twitter.

I have never looked bad at a concert in 20 years I apologize to the Difficult

“I had never looked bad at a concert in 20 years, I apologize to Difficult, Magdalena I still don’t understand anything (…) I need a miracle and to God,” he said.

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Luifer Neck You are already in Miami. state of Florida, to reunite with his family.

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