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The mountain doctor: Martin is forced to turn back

Anyone who has looked in the ZDF media library has known for a long time. But everyone else knows it too. The finale of “Der Bergdoktor” gets emotional.

Already in the 7th episode “The mountain doctor” was Martin Gruber’s decision. After the argument with his brother Hans, he called Franziska again in New York and explained: “I’ll take a small apartment. I might stay longer. A lot longer.”

So are in the final, which because of the carnival only on 23.2. is broadcast, all signs on goodbye. While Martin prepares to leave, Lisbeth tries to save what can be saved.

The mountain doctor: Martin is preparing to say goodbye

“I wanted to talk to you about New York. I will stay longer than planned,” Martin informs Lilli and Lisbeth. Lilli wants to know how long. “I do not know that yet.”

“But you’re coming back, aren’t you?” Lisbeth asks. “We’ll see.” She doesn’t want to accept the unexpected answer. “You can’t just walk away like that, can you?” Martin remains determined: “Yes, Mom, I can. And above all, I have to. That with Hans and me has no future.”

She also appeals to Hans’ conscience. “You have to take a step towards him, even if it’s just a very small one, Hans, please.” He lets his mother run up: “He had his chance”. So Lisbeth only has to go to Rolf. She asks him to postpone signing the contract because Hans needs more time. “To be reconciled with Martin? Why don’t you let Hans decide for himself what’s important to him right now?”

Lisbeth has to watch helplessly as her family falls apart. With dramatic consequences, as the final minutes of Episode 8 will show.

“Der Bergdoktor”: The finale is on Thursday, February 23, at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF and is available already in the media library available.

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