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The mountain doctor: Martin wants to leave Ellmau

“The sooner the better,” Martin wants to go to New York to visit his son. So he makes plans for the coming week – but then life gets in the way. Or rather, his brother Hans. He’s always on a confrontational course. When he also suggests that Linn quit Martin’s job, it’s enough for him too. “So brother, let’s clarify that for a moment. I’ll tell you something. You can sit here on your monkey rock as long as you want. You can play the offended life sausage as long as you want. But I’ll make the personnel decisions.”

What then breaks out of Hans shows that it is no longer about Sonja, but about much deeper problems such as the successor on the farm. “You took my whole life. And now you’re finally leaving.”

That’s what Martin wants, too, quite a bit. He speaks to Franziska again. She is worried that he wants to cancel the visit. On the contrary, he explains that he doesn’t need the guest room. “I’ll take a small apartment. I might stay longer. Much longer.”

“Der Bergdoktor” runs every Thursday at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF. Each episode is a week ahead in the media library to disposal.

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