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The mountain rescuers: I have to get out of here – Next main role is getting out

Because Simon doesn’t answer calls, Markus visits his colleague. He only has one question: “Have you found her? What if she’s out there somewhere? Seriously injured?” Markus has to take away his hope: “Jessi is dead, you know that, she couldn’t have survived the fall.”

Although traumatized, Simon flies with the next mission. An incident occurs in the helicopter in which Katharina is injured. Back on the ground, she protects him from Michael, saying Simon had had a panic attack, that’s normal under the circumstances.

“Normal? That was completely crazy. Next time he’ll knock me out,” says Michael. And that would have far more serious consequences. Simon, who overheard the conversation, agrees with Michael – and draws his conclusions. At the end of the episode he is standing in front of Markus with a letter in his hand. But his boss does not want to accept the dismissal. “I noticed what happened today in the heli. It wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have allowed you to use it,” said Markus. He is convinced that Simon will get over Jessi’s death.

But he doesn’t believe that. “Not while I’m here. Not with the mountains in front of my eyes. Somewhere up there, there they are. I have to get out of here, Markus. Otherwise I’ll break.”

Simon Plattner, played by Ferdinand Seebacher, joined the “Bergretter” team at the end of 2019. Previously controller at the Hotel Herbrechter, he didn’t make the best impression on his colleagues at first because he carelessly put himself in great danger while climbing.

“Die Bergretter” always runs on Thursdays at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF and one week in advance in the media library.

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