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The new information that would confirm the distance between Indiana Cubero and Nicole Neumann

At this point, it is nothing new that the separation between Nicole Neuman and Fabián Cubero was not exactly on good terms.

Although the current girlfriend of Manu Urcera and the ex-soccer player “got sparks” so to speak, they always tried to prioritize the care of their daughters, who until recently lived with Nicole Neuman.

Indiana spent Christmas in Buenos Aires, while her mother and sisters did so in Río Negro.

The constant absences of Indiana, the eldest of the heiresses of Nicole Neumanin public appearances and family gatherings.

Since before Christmas the teenager has not been seen with the model, and the speculations did not wait. Recently, both “Show Partners” and “Intruders” revealed the hidden parts of this complex family plot that makes people talk.

They assure that Indiana decided to live with her father and his current partner, Mica Viciconte. Apparently tired of the strict rules that her mother imposed for coexistence, the young woman moved in approximately at the end of 2022.

On these days both Nicole and “Poroto” are out of the country. While the first traveled with her two youngest daughters and her boyfriend, Cubero is alone with Mica and her son Luca. After her ex’s refusal for Indiana to travel with them, the young woman stayed at her paternal grandparents’ house in Argentina.

strained bond

What until now were only suspicions would finally be confirmed. The relationship of Nicole Neuman and her eldest daughter is in serious trouble. Even the car driver would have tried to intervene to fix the situation, unfortunately without success.

Nicole, Allegra and Sienna together with the Urcera clan in Punta del Este.

Mother and daughter did not share even for a moment neither at Christmas nor at New Years, and before this, they did not want to cross paths at Allegra’s graduation ceremony, who finished primary school without being able to count on the presence of her older sister congratulating her .

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