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The new series of the protagonist of "Fugitiva" What excited his fans?

“Runaway” It was one of the most successful Turkish soap operas in recent years. It was even put on Telefe’s prime time and, every night, it achieved more than 12 rating points.

This Turkish soap opera managed to catch the viewers for many reasons and one of the main ones was the great acting that the protagonists of “Runaway”, Irem Helvacioglu and Ulas Tuna Astepe. Moreover, it was this Turkish drama that made them the most beloved figures in their native country.

One of the reasons for the success of “Fugitive” is that it was a story based on real life.

Nevertheless, the success of the main figure of “Runaway” It not only transcended in Turkey, since she was hired as a Disney + actress for a new series that has many of her fans excited. It has even achieved a great impact in Europe and has entered the list of “most viewed” on this digital platform.

The series is called “Terrorist Escape” and consists of eight chapters in which Irem Helvacioglu will be seen playing Zeynep, a brave woman who enters the Turkish border with the photographer Mehmet (Engin Akyürek) and her friend Ilker (Aziz Çapkurt ), to investigate a dangerous area that is in the hands of an illegal group.

“Terrorist escape” is one of the Disney + bets for this 2023.

In this investigation, the three are in control of a terrorist group that subjects them to dangerous harassment, but they will have a chance to escape when Mehmet manages to infiltrate as one of them in order to save his friends.

The word of Irem Helvacioglu

In an interview with an important Turkish portal, the figure of Sinegraf Film production He talked about the important roles he has obtained in recent years and how they all have something in common: the mistreatment of women in different aspects of life.

In this series, Helvacioglu will get back into the skin of a brave woman and willing to raise her voice against injustice.

According to the renowned actress, this has been her way of speaking out against the scenes of violence experienced by women in different parts of the world and she stated that she is very proud to have this window and to be the voice of the most vulnerable women.

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