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The officials who will benefit from the payment of 340 euros

The officials who will benefit from the payment of 340 euros

Everything comes. Even if it’s late. In the last Council of Ministers in June, the Government approved the increase salary for civil servants, committed to the unions. In the agreement, the distribution of revaluations for the three-year period was added 2022-2024. Recently, the Ministry of Public Function has made this process official.

Yes, we talk about the 2% increase in the salaries of public employeesprovided for in the pact and which will be executed retroactively to January 1, 2024. Specifically, the 2022 agreement plan for exercise a revaluation 2% based on salaries, already increased in the previous year.

The great protagonists

And not only that: It is detailed that If the sum of the variation of IPC harmonized for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 will exceed the fixed salary increase cumulative 2022, 2023 and 2024 cited aboveapply a increment additional remuneration of 0.5%.

And who will benefit from the salary increase?? Well then, to all public employees. That is, to all nminas dependent on any of the levels of the Administration (State, autonomous communities and local corporations), as well as the workers belonging to public companies.

To take into account: data

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Spain has a total of 3,551,000 public employees -for the first quarter of 2024- that will benefit from the 2% increase. As a public employee, average salaryhas 2,835 euros gross monthlythe increase will mean a average monthly increase of 57 euros.

However, the rise will be gradual depending on the income of the workers. As in all sectors of activity, The remuneration spectrum is wide among the millions of public employees:

  • First level: monthly rents of 705 euros per month. The increase would be around 14 euros per month.
  • Second level: income of 1,139. The increase would be about 23 euros per month.
  • Third level: 1,352 euros. The increase would be 27 euros.
  • Fourth level: 1,533 euros. The increase would be 31 euros per month.
  • Fifth level: 1,722 euros. The increase would be 34 euros per month.
  • Sixth level: 1,926 euros. The increase would be 38 euros.
  • Seventh level: 2,195 euros. The increase would be 43 euros.
  • Eighth level: 2,630 euros. The increase would be 52 euros.
  • Ninth level: 3,192 euros. The increase would be 63 euros.
  • Tenth level: 4,835 euros. The increase would be 97 euros.

Gradual ascent

These payments, for the accumulated value of the six-month increase, will range from 84 and 138 euros for the first and second income levels, with lower incomes, to 204 euros for fifth level income. The single payment will reach 378 and 582 euros in the last two income levels, with the highest incomes.

This revaluationIt should be noted that it is part of the Framework Agreement for a 21st century Administrationsigned by UGT, CCOO and the Government in autumn 2022which recoils large salary increases for three years and possible new increases depending on the behavior of inflation and GDP growth.

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