L’uncertezza dominates the future of the oil price-proiezionidiborsa.it

In the past few years, oil, due to the crisis in the banking sector, has reduced a minimum of $70 in the area. A livello che non vedeva da prima della crisi scatenata dall’invasione dell’Ucraina da parte della Russia. Adesso che, però, il petrolio ha recuperato dai minimi annuali cosa potrebbe accadere alle quotazioni dell’oro nero? As we will see its future is still very uncertain and very much will depend on the decisions of OPEC.

What could be the OPEC+ policy?

The parola d’ordine dell’OPEC sows essere stabilità. Infatti, when the banking crisis of the current month has passed and futures of the aggregate to a minimum of 15 months, close to $ 70 per barrel, if Saudi Arabia is hypothesized and its partner can intervene with new tags alla production to sustain the market . Tuttavia, nonostante tutti gli sconvolgimenti, l’OPEC+ mostra tutti i segni di voler rimanere in attesa. The Saudis have publicly stated that the coalition of 23 nationals dovrebbe will maintain stable production lives for all year.

eppure the prospect of the oil market per l’Organizzazione dei Paesi Exportatori di Petrolio and its partner remains very uncertain.

The joint scenario of the many operators of the operator that the oil returns in the area 100 $, if it is contracted with the realtà that has seen the Russian exports resist all international sanctions. Addirittura, sow that the global offer will be in surplus this quarter.

The oil has recovered dai minimi annuali, but its future is still very uncertain: the indications of the graphic analysis

Il petroleum The seduta of March 31 has been used at a price of $75.67, at a rate of 1.75% rispectto alla seduta precedent. The weekend is chiusa with a rialzo of 9.25% rispectto alla chiusura seventimanale precedent.

time frame daily

YoThe recovery of the minimum annual has involved an investment of the trend that could carry the quotas in area $78.64. This livello già in past has slowed down the rise of the oil price, for which it will be a very important thing to see. In particular, His super potrebbe aprire le porte al raggiungimento di area 86 $. In the contrary case, a potrebbe retraction is very likely. Just one Chiusura sotto area $71.50, but, potrebbe spingere again at the lower price of petrol.

Sul petrolio all gli indicators sono impostati al rialzo

Sul petrolio all gli indicators sono impostati al rialzo-proiezionidiborsa.it

Time frame weekly

Nonostante il recupero, the seventeenth trend is anchored to the bottom.

For the next settimane, quindi, the tenuta say $68.46cousin and ill Area overage 78.36 $, poi, Potrebbe favorire un’accelerazione rialzista with objective area 100 $.

In the contrary case, turn on the scenario that has the target, probably the area of ​​50 $.

In the middle/long period of the oil indicators, they are still all impostati al ribasso

In the middle/long period of the oil indicators are still anchored all impostati al ribasso-proiezionidiborsa.it

letter consigliate

A Wall Street after Easter quota 40,000 potrebbe non essere più un miraggio per il Dow Jones

2 actions that have not guadagnato more than 10% in a week


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