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The Old One: Double exit in the new season

It won’t be long before “The Old Man” takes over again as crime ending place on Friday evening. Fans of the ZDF series will then have to get used to new faces.

On 10.3. starts the new season “The old man” in ZDF. The Murder Commission II team in Munich has to reposition itself. The new “old man” becomes Chief Inspector Caspar Bergmann (Thomas Heinze).

It was already announced in March 2022 that Jan-Gregor Kremp was resigning as Chief Inspector Richard Voss. When leaving, the station said: “After ten years of ‘Der Alte’, the time has come to think about a change – especially since sixty is within reach.”

As Voss, Kremp will be seen for two more episodes, then his role will end. But the chief inspector does not go alone. With him, pathologist Dr. Franziska Sommerfeld, played by Christina Rainer, gave up her job. Not at all surprising, after all, Voss and Sommerfeld had been connected privately for a long time.

The old man: a new face in pathology too

From episode three, pathologist Dr. Luisa Geiger. It is played by Sidonie von Krosigk. She became known for the role of the witch Bibi Blocksberg in the film of the same name, but has also appeared in various TV series such as “Die Bergretter”, “Bettys Diagnose” or “Frühling”.

Speaking of her new role, she says: “What appeals to me about the character is that Luisa is anything but a hardened forensic pathologist: she’s new to the job and sometimes gets tangled up in the details because of her dedicated nature. She empathizes with the people who work with her lying on the dissection table. Luisa Geiger’s empathy for the victims is offset by a genuine enthusiasm for forensic medicine – this field of tension opens up space for weird situations, which I particularly like about the role.”

After Voss’ departure and Tom Kupfer’s serial death in the finale of the previous season, only Annabell Lorenz remains of the old trio of investigators. According to actress Stephanie Stumph, she experiences the change of boss with ease: “Everything from the beginning and according to the motto: Don’t shy away from a challenge and see an opportunity in everything.”

“Der Alte”: New episodes from March 10, 2023 on Fridays at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF, in the ZDF Mediathek available one week in advance.

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