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The one that billed the most: América TV would revive a classic program

America TV It is one of the longest-running channels in Argentina and stands as one of the most important signals within the local air. One of the programs that are part of this grid is “Polemica en el Bar”, the mythical cycle that will be 60 years old in 2023 and which, according to Mariano Iúdica himself, the conductor of the cycle, would be broadcast again on the occasion of the new anniversary.

Iudica is positive with the return of the cycle in America.

This happened on Radio de la Ciudad when the presenter of America TV indicated that “’Polemica” can always be an important program again”. Iúdica pointed out that the historic cycle was always intended for the signal of the cube and that “Whenever there were changes in running times, I always gave in because we are ‘Controversial at the Bar’, but that also makes the public resent a bit”.

Although it seems more like a wish than a reality, he commented that there have already been some talks for the return and that they have already started working on the members of this new season. “I think it would be daily, they all said yes, I’m dying to tell you four names; journalists, politicians, there is one who is married to a very important model and host, ”said the host about his program in America TV.

This year “Controversy at the Bar” turns 60.

In addition, he took the opportunity to remark that in 2022 the cycle was a success, not only in rating but also in numbers. “The last year of billing for ‘Polemica’ was excessive. The most historic on the channel and we were doing important things, every day there was a title, we also did humor”sentenced the journalist.

The one who leaves America

This is not the only change that could be seen in the palermo canalsince in recent days an important figure indicated that his program would end at the end of January, and it is neither more nor less than Flor Peña, who affirmed that “LPA” is over.

I decided to end the program at the end of the month. It is difficult to reconcile so much work. It was a very beautiful experience and I am very grateful to America”, affirmed the model on her social networks, who these days is not only on TV but also in the theater with “Married with Children”.

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