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The perfect mix: this is how Antonia, the daughter of Vero Lozano and Corcho Rodríguez, is today

Raising children is complicated, as they grow up and in adolescence, especially, there are usually differences. Despite this, it is also a period in which the youngest often change their relationship with their parents in a more positive way, like the moment they are going through right now. Vero Lozanothe renowned television presenter.

Antonia was born in 2009.

She is the mother of Antonia, who is 13 years old and was born in 2009, the product of her relationship with businessman Jorge “Corcho” Rodríguez, with whom she began dating only a year before. At first, the couple was kept secret because he had been Susana Giménez’s boyfriend.

Despite the fights that all the parents have, the bond between them seems to be quite positive, according to an interview he gave Vero Lozano agent. “Antonia and I are very close. Adolescence is a very particular stage, I am not saying anything very original, we know everything, both for mother and daughter, but we are carrying it, “said the host.

Now she is 13 years old.

“With Antonia I go through all the states: from laughter to anger in five minutes, but I also feel that I learn a lot from her. The mother/daughter bond is intense, with all that that implies, but we are great companions and we have a lot of fun,” he said. the journalist. Along these lines, in a post on Instagram, she took the opportunity to talk about her motherhood. “Being a mother, an immense challenge full of light and darkness. With hits and the other, a journey along a route where anything can happen. I embrace them all, those who already are, those who want to be, and those who aren’t even crazy (although you have to be a little crazy to be). In short, to those who help maternity, to the dogs and pets, here’s to us,” he said. Vero Lozano the Mother’s Day.

She is the daughter of Vero Lozano and the businessman Corcho Rodríguez.

During the accident in which Vero broke one ankle and sprained the other, Antonia was an important part of her recovery, because she showed her all possible support. “She, very loving and understanding, told me: ‘I was very scared because I didn’t know if you had died or what.’ There we kissed because she couldn’t stay with me in the hospital. She gave me her bracelet and they took me up to a room, “said the driver.

Anthony’s father

While true is a well-known figure in the world of journalism and television, the little girl’s father, Jorge “Corcho” Rodríguez, is a famous businessman who was involved in the famous Odebrecht corruption case.

She is the youngest of the businessman’s three children.

He was a very important figure in Argentine politics, with an outstanding role at different times in our country, specifically in the nationalization of YPF during 2008.

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