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The police report on the investigation of El Yoyas: his girlfriend, key in the arrest

The police report on the investigation of El Yoyas: his girlfriend, key in the arrest

The arrest of Carlos Navarrobetter known as The Yoyasin a mass in Anoia (Barcelona) continues to make headlines in the media. The fugitive, who had been missing for more than 19 months, was wanted and captured after being sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for mistreatment of his wife, Fayna Bethencourt, and their two children. Now it has come to light the Mossos d’Esquadra police report which includes the most relevant aspects of the investigation of this operation as explained We’ll see.

The document states that El Yoyas He is an individual with enormous ability to evade police action, as well as to achieve wide media coverage from his place of hiding.. It also highlights that its concealment would not have been possible with the help from your familywhich provided him with food and basic necessities to guarantee his subsistence during his isolation in his parents’ second residence.

The aforementioned fugitive would have a vast network of family ties that would facilitate his concealment and would be providing him with cover to make his subsistence possible without leaving the house in which he is hiding. His sister and brother-in-law were reportedly in charge of placing large orders with a well-known supermarket to supply him.

They have been caught on different occasions receiving bulky orders at their private home to later put the bags in their private vehicle and take the order to the hiding place., pick up the document. His current partner has also been decisive in the arrest due to his repeated visits to this hiding place.

She had her own key to access the property and spent many hours inside until late at night, as captured by the investigators guarding the area. The fugitive’s current girlfriend has been captured going to the listed address in her private vehicle. The analysis of the electrical consumption of the house in which it was hidden was also key to finding its whereabouts.

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