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The prosecutor: After serial death – Next exit

With the new commissioner, Reuther and Kerstin Klar routinely continue to investigate. Only forensic pathologist Dr. Engel inquires about Kerstin’s condition. “It’s okay,” she replies. “Well, at the risk of coming across as kitchen-psychological, but you do know that suppression isn’t the right method, right?” says Engels.

But Kerstin doesn’t suppress anything. “On the contrary, my head is spinning. Even before Max died.” Anyone who has seen the last episode will perhaps remember that the commissioner asked herself and Max the question of meaning.

After a long walk with Reuther, who also went to Fischer’s grave, she says: “Yes, Bernd, I’m quite sure.” “Well, then I’ll have to get used to it slowly,” Reuther replies. At the end of the episode, Kerstin explains what they mean to her colleague: “Well, that’s it for me. I need a break. I’ll travel, maybe to South America. First a year and then we’ll see.” Shortly before leaving, she introduces her new colleague: Chief Inspector Alexander Witte (Jannik Mioducki).

“The Public Prosecutor”: Season 18 from January 13, 2023, Fridays at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF. From Friday, January 6, 2023, 10:00 a.m. one week before in the ZDF Mediathek.

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