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The Prosecutor’s Office requests that the alleged victim of Alves declare with protective measures

The rape trial against Alves is held between February 5 and 7

The Prosecutor has asked the court to try Dani Alvesreported by a woman who accuses him of having sexually assaulted her in the bathroom of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on the night of December 30, 2022, when she was 23 years old, that the alleged victim declare with protective measures so that his identification is not possible.

If the request of the Public Ministry is accepted, The young woman could testify during the hearing separated from those present in the room by a screen or even from another room outside the hearing room and with means to distort her voice. and thus avoid double victimization during the process, which will begin next February 5 in Barcelona.

This is a request that comes after the soccer player’s mother, Luca Alves, shared on December 30, just one year after the events reported and which have kept the Brazilian player in provisional prison since January 20 in the Brians 2 prison, and video on Instagram edited with music and comments where you can see the young woman enjoying and celebrating with her friends and family. Some images that would have been taken from the woman’s social networks and that They could even date back to when she was a minor..

Instructor prohibition

With the dissemination of this video, Alves’s mother ignored the order given by the investigating judge in the case, who prohibited the dissemination of any information that could bring to light the identity of the young woman.a guideline also contemplated in the Victim Statute.

For this reason, Ester García, the alleged victim’s lawyer, has filed a complaint, since he considers that data about his privacy is being revealedwhich had been prohibited by the Court of Instruction number 15 of Barcelona.

Likewise, García has already asked the court that his client’s statement be made with the maximum respect for her privacy and trying to avoid media harassment. They responded to her that the measures in question would be decided in the processing of issues prior to the start of the trial. Now that the Prosecutor’s Office joins the request, already knowing that the prohibition of the investigator of the case to disseminate data on the victim has been violated, It is very likely that the magistrates will agree to some type of measure to preserve the identity of the young woman..

Furthermore, The Public Ministry is studying whether the dissemination of the images of the woman made by the soccer player’s mother constitutes a crime.

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