Plus temperatures and rain for several days before ski competitions do not bode well. But Österby Sportklubb succeeded and the NÅID championships and the Österby Race were held on Saturday after all.

Dripping wet, the skiers reached the finish line one by one when the Nyland and Åboland sports district championship competitions were organized on Saturday in Västerby ski center in Ekenäs. The ski tracks were sometimes filled with water, which made skiing difficult.

– I was completely exhausted when I reached the finish, so I probably didn’t think anything special, Österby Sportklubb’s Max Dahlgren answers after the finish when asked how it felt to ski in the heavy snow.

He participated in the five kilometer race in the H16 class.

Pargas IF’s were the fastest in the 10-year-old boys class. IF Sibbo Vargarna’s Aati Hurskainen is close to him.

Image: Patric Westerlund / Yle

The splashes of water in the ski track caused him to fall over a couple of times.

– It’s about trying to stand up in the puddles, twice I fell over, says Dahlgren, who actually aims for a career in biathlon. He notes that he was back on his feet quickly enough.

Around 130 skiers participated

The active members of the organizing association Österby Sportklubb worked hard to be able to complete the Österby race, which was also the sports district’s championship competition.

– Of course we’ve had to work a lot, but we probably came home for a bit last night, laughs Henrik Malmberg.

Saga Lindholm skis up a hill.

Österby Sportklubb’s Saga Lindholm came second in the eight-year-old girls class.

Image: Patric Westerlund / Yle

He is the chairman of the association and was also the competition leader during the competitions. Around 130 skiers started in several different classes. All routes were sent with traditional skiing style.

The loop, which measured 2.5 kilometers, was run two or four times, depending on the length of the competition distance. The youngest and oldest participants rode three or fewer kilometers in the competition.

High goals in athletics

Pargas IF’s Alisa Lindfors is actually a long-distance runner. She was out of breath when she reached the finish line after driving two laps, i.e. five kilometers. She participated in class D18.

– It was very difficult to ski today and the snow was heavy. There was so much water in the track that it didn’t run well at all, says Alisa Lindfors.

The torrential rain and the waterlogged ski tracks make her think about her hobby choices.

– In the end, it’s still fun, she says with a broad smile.

Ten out of ten possible for good try

― Alisa Lindfors, PIF, gives a rating to the organizers

She gives the competition organizers a high rating for the competition arrangements.

– Ten out of ten possible for a good try.

Skiing has given Alisa Lindfors many friends and is also one of the most enjoyable elements of the sport.

– The camps are also fun and the feeling at the competitions, she says about what makes her participate in a ski competition in pouring rain.

Alisa Lindfors stands in front of a building.

Alisa Lindfors from Pargas IF thought the lead was very heavy in the competitions.

Image: Bubi Asplund / Yle

For her, skiing is simply a sideline to keep her fitness up in view of the summer’s long-distance running competitions.

When asked how good she should be in the main discipline of running, she answers after a short moment of thought:

– I want to do my best and maybe be among the top ten in Finland.

To reach her goal in long-distance running, she trains around twenty hours a week.

“It was heavy, very heavy”

Another young skier who did well on Saturday is ÖSK’s Jill Friberg. She came second in the same competition class as Alisa Lindfors. She too was tired after the finish.

– It was heavy, very heavy. I want to say that it depends on the feed, but the body is probably tired. We’ve had Christmas break and were able to train a bit more so the body is a bit tired, she says breathlessly.

Portrait of Jill Friberg.

ÖSK’s Jill Friberg came second in the class ladies 18 years.

Image: Bubi Asplund / Yle

She says that during the first lap she tried to parry for the puddles.

– During the second lap I was already so tired that I drove straight through, she laughs.

Together with her two clubmates, Rebecka Malmberg and Therese Äbb, she has her first semester at Vörå sports high school behind her. She is very satisfied that it was high school studies in Ostrobothnia.

– The studies are going well and we get enough training. I really don’t regret that we chose Vörå, says Jill Friberg.

The long run will be organized in a month

Competition leader Henrik Malmberg says that he has not heard any complaints from the participants in the competitions.

– I haven’t heard anything negative, everyone knows what the conditions are like. They’d rather be here skiing than sitting at home.

A young skier skis up a hill.

Österby Sportklubb’s Tuva Westerlund came fourth in the class girls ten years.

Image: Patric Westerlund / Yle

The results from NÅIDM on skiing and Österbyloppet can be found on the organisers’ website. The results from the pairs sprint are available here.

ÖSK organizes the Västerby Långloppet on February 19. Malmberg believes and hopes that it will still be winter this year.

– That competition always gathers many participants, he says.


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