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The reactions and memes that Mac DeMarco provoked with his new album of 199 songs

Wasn’t there another one to complete the 200 songs? That is the real question… This Friday, April 21 Mac DeMarco surprised his fans (and even those who didn’t) by launching a new album titled ‘One Wayne G’, which lasts nothing more and nothing less than almost 9 hours.

This new record comes three months after ‘Five Easy Hot Dogs’, Mac DeMarco’s album where the canadian singer showed us his facet within instrumental music And it lasted just 35 minutes.

Mac DeMarco released his second album so far in 2023. Photo: Getty Images

Mac DeMarco released a new album called ‘One Wayne G’

But hey, going back to the theme of Mac DeMarco’s latest album, ‘One Wayne G’ is a work where the artist originally from collected five years of musical creations whose titles are the dates on which these songs were created.

On the other hand, the name of Mac DeMarco’s new album seems to be in reference to Wayne Gretzky, Canadian hockey player who is considered one of the best in the world and who has apparently inspired the good Mac DeMarco in some way.

Cover of ‘One Wayne G’, Mac DeMarco’s new album. Photo: Mac DeMarco

The reactions of Mac DeMarco’s new album have not been long in coming

Just as we told you at the beginning, this new album by Mac DeMarco has become a trend on social networksbecause we had never seen someone (at least not recently) who gave us 199 songs –and almost 9 hours of music– in one go.

Obviously, Mac DeMarco’s new album not only led him to become a trend in networks, but also he gave us one or another meme on the internet, same that we decided to compile and leave you here in what you listen to one of the new songs of ‘One Wayne G’.

Here we leave you the best memes about it

Music, entertainment and news editor. I have been in the media for seven years and I have had the opportunity to meet, interview and listen live to my favorite artists. More by Stephania Carmona

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