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The reason why TVE does not broadcast the Bake Off final: Celebrities baking this Tuesday

The reason why TVE does not broadcast the Bake Off final: Celebrities baking this Tuesday

Bake Off: Baked celebrities lives its final stretch. Ana Boyer, Alba Carrillo, Blas Cant or Roco Carrascoonly one can become the best celebrity pastry chef in the country thanks to the TVE. Only the grand finale remains, for which fans of the program will have to wait a little longer.

Everything indicated that it was going to be this Tuesday, March 26, when the last program would be held, as it had been doing in the previous weeks, but, in the end, it could not be like that, and there is an explanation. From RTVE they have the rights to the Spanish National Team, and this Tuesday the friendly match is held in which they face the Brazil of Vinicius, Rodrygo, Endrick and company.

A match that will be broadcast by the public entity, through its main channel, La 1, at peak viewing time, in prime-time, starting at 9:30 p.m. and lasting until almost midnight.

When will the final be?

The final of Bake Off: Celebrities in the Bake is not held this Tuesday, but rather We will have to wait one more week, specifically the following Tuesday, April 2after Holy Week, to find out who is the winner of this edition.

A final that arrives with great equality. In the semifinal, Ana Boyer was the first to get her pass to the last program, followed later by Alba Carrillo and Roco Carrasco. Blas Cant and Patxi Salinas were the last on the program, but it was the former Basque soccer player who ended up being expelled at the doors.

This new bet that the program will be postponed a week later is also motivated by another change by one of its rivals, since this way the public network avoids competing with another television show such as Telecinco’s bet, Supervivientes, which sweeps audiences in its new edition, and which moved the broadcast of No Man’s Land from this Monday to Tuesdayleaving the premiere of Mental Masters for the first day of the week.

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