
The repercussion in the political arena of the aggression suffered by Berni

María Eugenia Vidal spoke of the crime of the bus driver in La Matanza

“It is fed up, cynicism and the story without answers,” the former governor of Buenos Aires wrote on her Twitter account, Mary Eugenia Vidalafter the incidents and the attack on the Minister of Security, Sergio Berni.

Without specific allusions to the episode that occurred around noon on Avenida General Paz, the current legislator of the PRO He took aim at the political system for its lack of answers. “It became a dramatic circus without spectators,” he said.

The former governor of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal, expressed her solidarity with the family of the bus driver murdered in La Matanza

On this occasion, Vidal did not make specific references to the management in the area of ​​his successor, Axel Kicillof, and addressed the family of Pedro Daniel Barrientos, the murdered driver, and “the millions of Buenos Aires residents who go to work in fear ”

Waldo Wolf: “Berni arrived without warning”

The official of the City of Buenos Aires pointed to the Frente de Todos after the murder of the driver in La Matanza

The Secretary of Public Affairs of the City of Buenos Aires, Waldo Wolfquestioned the Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Bernifor his intervention this noon in the protest of the drivers for the murder of one of his companions in La Matanza, and warned about the lack of coordination between the portfolios of the area in the Nation and in the Province.

It may interest you: The video of the moment of the attack against Sergio Berni

“The City police had to take action in the face of a problem with the Nation and PBA”, Wolf said, alluding to the operation with which members of the metropolitan force were able to remove Berni from the place, who was surrounded by drivers and protesters who attacked him continuously.

Waldo Wolf questioned Sergio Berni for arriving at the protest of drivers in General Paz “without warning”

“We are totally against all violence, Argentines deserve to live in peace,” said the former legislator for the PRO in the Chamber of Deputies on his Twitter account. However, he immediately took aim at his political adversaries in the front of all. “They released prisoners, endorsed takeovers, sided with criminals,” Wolf said.

For this reason, according to the Buenos Aires official, “society’s weariness prevails, and the only way to get out of this situation is with order, work and without a story,” he wrote and closed his thread on the subject.

Cristian Ritondo: “The neglect in terms of security is unbearable”

The head of the PRO block in Deputies pointed out against the security policy of the government of Axel Kicillof, after the incident in which Sergio Berni was attacked

The president of the block PRO in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, Christian Ritondoreferred to the riots that took place shortly before noon the Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Berniwho was attacked by drivers from different transport lines who were protesting the murder of one of his colleagues.

“One of the most urgent claims in the Province is for greater security and the only response from the governor (Axel Kicillof) is to hide behind Berni. The Minister of Security seeks to speak with those affected, but people are already tired of words and want facts,” Ritondo said after the crisis that took place this Monday, April 3, in the cut that the UTA workers had arranged in General Paz avenue, at the height of Route 3.

Ritondo, who served as Minister of Security during the administration of the former governor Mary Eugenia VidalHe recalled a specific management measure against crime that had been applied in the 2015-2019 period and questioned the current management for discontinuing it. “We implemented a program, in coordination with the Ministry of Transportation and chambers and unions of the sector, for the installation of cameras and panic buttons on the most complicated lines and hottest routes. The system allowed the driver to activate a panic pedal that triggered an alert to a monitoring center, which operated on the second floor of the security ministry in the silverand that allowed live access to the images inside the unit and its exact position ”, recalled the PRO legislator.

“Coverage was reached in approximately 1,200 units,” Ritondo said, but later regretted that “due to not renewing the contract, the system was abandoned and by mid-2022 there were almost no units with coverage.”

“It is one more example of how Kicillof abandoned the security policy that we implemented from 2015,” the leader finally questioned.

Patricia Bullrich: “This happens when you participate in a government that endorses crime”

The president of the PRO warned that “authority is built by example”, after the attack on Berni (Luciano González)

The president of PRO, Patricia Bullrichwrote a message on his Twitter account referring to the incidents that broke out half an hour before noon, when drivers who claimed the murder of one of their colleagues in an act of insecurity attacked the Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires , Sergio Berni.

“How not to be outraged?” Said Bullrich, who served as Minister of National Security during 2015 and 2019. Although she stressed that “authority and order are necessary,” she clarified that “they are built by example, being always on the side of the institutionality and not only when it is convenient”, said Bullrich.

Patricia Bullrich tweeted after the attack on Sergio Berni

After the attacks, Berni was transferred to the Churruca hospital, where he was treated and he himself said that he had a skull fracture. However, the minister was in good shape and ruled out the possibility of leaving office. “For a soldier, giving up is not an option,” he said.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta repudiated the attack on Berni and expressed his solidarity with the family of the murdered driver

Horacio Rodriguez Larreta spoke about the incidents in General Paz

The head of the Buenos Aires government expressed himself on his social networks after the riots that occurred on General Paz avenue, at the height of Route 3. There, drivers blocked traffic and expressed their indignation at the murder of Pedro Daniel Barrientos, a 65-year-old driver who had months left to retire and was shot in the chest in the middle of an attempted robbery. When the security minister of the province of Buenos Aires arrived, Sergio Berniwas attacked with blows and stones by the workers.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta tweeted after the attack on Sergio Berni

Rodriguez Larreta posted a message nearly three hours after the incidents on his Twitter account. There he valued the performance of the Buenos Aires City police, who managed to evacuate the Buenos Aires official from the place, in the midst of the siege of the drivers. Larreta also highlighted that there were 8 injured troops.

“We are against all violence, we deserve to live in peace,” closed the mayor of the City of Buenos Aires.

Teresa García is one of the first leaders of Buenos Aires Peronism to pronounce on the aggression. “The image of the beating of Berni is very sad,” said the provincial senator.

López Murphy: “These are the consequences, Sergio Berni”

Ricardo Lopez Murphynational deputy, blamed himself Sergio Berni about the events that occurred in the march of the bus drivers.

“Years justifying robberies and homicides. Years destroying jobs and opportunities. These are the consequences, Sergio Berni”, maintained the legislator.

And I add: “My solidarity with the family and companions of the murdered bus driverand with the 17 million people from Buenos Aires who depend on this government of the incapable”.

After the attack on Berni, Kicillof summoned the head of the UTA and the Buenos Aires Minister of Transportation

They will meet in La Plata. The Minister of Security was beaten by bus drivers from line 620 who were protesting the murder of his partner Daniel Barrientos, which happened this morning.

Sergio Berni being removed from the place by the City police (photo: Luciano González)
Sergio Berni being removed from the place by the City police (photo: Luciano González)

After the aggression suffered by the Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Sergio Berni and Transportation, Jorge D’Onofrio by colleagues and friends of Daniel Barrientosthe bus driver of line 620, who was assassinated this morning, the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof will receive in La Plata the officials and the head of the Automotive Tramway Union (UTA), Roberto Fernandez.

Sergio Berni is already at the Churruca Hospital

After the attacks suffered in the march of bus drivers, the Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Sergio Berni, He was transferred by the City Police to the Churruca Police Medical Hospital, to be cared for. The official received blows all over his body, and it was possible to notice cuts on the face.

Diego Valenzuela: “The Kicillof government must understand that it cannot continue the same”

The mayor of Tres de Febrero, Diego Valenzuelarepudiated the attack on the Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Sergio Berni, in the march of a group of bus drivers. “I condemn all violence like the one suffered by Minister Sergio Berni,” he said.

Likewise, the leader demanded security in the Province of Buenos Aires from the governor Axel Kicillof. “The government of kicillof You must understand that you cannot continue the same without taking charge of insecurity. They have been discussing with the national government for more than three years, which is from the same political space, ”he said.

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