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The replacement of El Pollo Álvarez in El Trece

We could affirm without fear of being wrong that the Chicken Alvarez He is not exactly going through one of his best moments at the work level.

The famous seems to have been on the tightrope for months, due to the low rating of the cycle that he leads in El Trece. Therefore, any minimal change or detail about the presence of the Chicken Alvarez on the channel attracts attention.

This morning, the Chicken Alvarez he was not at the forefront of his cycle and so far there are not too many explanations about it.

The first to alert about this was nothing more and nothing less than the entertainment journalist Pablo Montagna, who through his official Twitter account revealed that Marcelo Polino would be the one who would lead the morning magazine.

The scoop was given by Pablo Montagna in the networks.

The host of “We in the Morning” he was replaced by his chimentero colleaguewho limited himself to saying that he had been absent due to personal issues that he had to resolve.

About the end of the broadcast, he added very concisely that Next Monday Tefi Russo’s husband would return to take his place as usual.


Recently, the Chicken Alvarez He had a pleasant chat on the air of the radio cycle “In case the flies”, where he talked about everything.

There the journalist confessed that he works under a lot of pressure to comply with the demands that the channel imposed on him, after management questioned his continuity. It will be necessary to see if the changes of schedule and in the format finally produced a good effect.

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