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The Resident: what awaits you in season 5 to discover on Disney+

Seven months after its broadcast on TF1, season 5 of The Resident is coming to Disney+. What will be the storylines of this new season? We tell you everything…

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Offered from February 8 on TF1, season 5 of The Resident is now available on Disney+. Eager fans will soon find out what will happen to doctors Conrad Hawkins (Matt Czuchry), Devon Pravesh (Manish Dayal), Randolph Bell (Bruce Greenwood), AJ Austin (Malcolm-Jamal Warner), and Barrett Cain (Morris Chestnut). After the departure of Emily VanCamp, aka Nic, it would be time to discover the next intrigues of the medical series…

The Resident : new in season 5

Many upheavals are expected, according to the showrunner of the series, Peter Elkoff. During an interview given to TV Line, the latter confided in the progress of season 5. And the least we can say is that it will not be easy. “It’s our fifth year, and it’s always positive to shake up the established order after four, five, or six seasons of a series that has such a loyal audience. We want to offer them something new, without too much disorient them nonetheless” he said!

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The Resident : a character will die in season 5

Chastain’s emergency room will face a major attack. Everyone will be at the mercy of hackers, will the culprits be found? How will the hospital get rid of it? To pay a ransom or not, that is the question… The hospital members are not at their first sentence. We also learn that one of the doctors is found unconscious in the hospital elevator, who is it? The answer will be given in the next episodes. Finally, an emblematic character from the series will find himself hospitalized following a serious road accident. His prognosis being serious, his colleagues are faced with a terrible reality. Who will Chastain Hospital have to part with? Big twists and turns are therefore expected for this fifth season of The Resident.

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